
Applying for carnival cruise personal vacation planner...need info?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering how much money can you make working as a personal vacation planner in carnival? I am applying for a position in miramar, fl...also if you work for carnival (corporate), i wanted to know if you like of dislike your job? How are the medical benefits(are they FULL medical benefits)?? i have a family to support so these questions are very important to me. I have always wanted to work for carnival. i love the company and what they have done for me when i travel. Any insider info would be appreciated.thanks




  1. this question is  not really a Cruise travel question- Its more of

    Employment topic.

    how ever, you need to contact for the details of what they offer as far as medical benefits, dental benefits(ect)

    best wishes on your job search.

  2. Usually if you work for them based in the US your wages are good and you get good medical. . . . the workers on the ships are another story.  Most are hired out of the ships registered port so the wages are terrible and no medical.  All the free hotdogs you can eat though . . .

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