
Applying for work permit...?

by  |  earlier

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my husband and I just got married 1 month ago

I am not a US citizen

we are working on the papers for applying for green card and stuff

my husband is looking for a job right now

we are pretty sure he should be getting a job soon

but we are sure we will need a sponser

because my husband doesn't have very good job history

but the problem is we can't find anyone to be my sponser

so we're just gonna send the paper in anyway after my husband get a job

because I really hope I can get a job soon too

but I will need to have work permit before i can do that

so if we send in all the paper but we don't have a sponser

will I still be able to get work permit even though I don't have a sponser?

because we kinda need money for living

we prob will just send the paper in and wait till my husband works long enough to become a qualified sponser

would this work?

would they give me work permit when I don't have a sponser?





  1. Your going to need a sponsor so increase your efforts to find one.

    Good luck.

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