
Approaching a lion?

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Is it best to get on all fours, and act like a lion to get it to leave you alone and not eat you?

I saw this did it once and the lion was too confused to do anything.

I heard it makes you appear less threatening.




  1. I watched a show on Discovery where a guy came to a pride everyday to see how close he could get.  He would walk slowly to them and talk.  If the lions got too agitated, he would walk away the same way.  He got closer everyday and eventually was among them.

  2. no because most of the time if the object has eyes the lion will attack it

  3. i heard stay still and walk away slowly

    thts wat ive heard

  4. Never,out of curiosity approach a lion, no matter how tame and friendly they may seem. Always give plenty of space between you and the lion so they can escape and get away Lions usually do not like confrontation so always if you do happen to have contact leave a wide berth between you and the lion for it's escape.

    Never run away from a lion.Running stimulates a lions natural instinct to chase. Be sure to always make contact with the lion and stand up as tall as possible. By making yourself look larger it intimidates the lion and often makes them turn and run. Open your jacket and flap it about, yell, throw stones but make sure you react so that the cat knows that you are the one in control, not him. If there are children present, pick them up immediately and never turn your back on a lion, or squat down while retrieving the child.

    Never squat or bend over at anytime. Research has shown that when a human bends over that person looks like four legged prey to a large cat of any type. Avoid stooping, leaning over, squatting, or bending at the waist while in  lion territory.
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