
Appropriate jogging/running build up?

by Guest60062  |  earlier

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About a year and a half ago I was running and working out regularly (about 2 miles every other day and yoga on my running off days). I'm looking to get back into running and would like to eventually be able to do a daily 3 mile run. I'm not concerned with speed/pace, just distance. What's a good schedule to put myself on to realistically hit that distance w/o injuring myself? I have bad knees, but running is thus far the best (cheapest) option for me.




  1. The best way to train for endurance is to do lots of....yes, endurance

    I ran cross country (&track) for 5yrs

    As you know xc is 3miles in high school

    Probably 3outof6 days of workout we would do long distance runs

    6miles is a good endurance distance

    This is of course subject to change

    Week 1

    Mon, Wed, Thurs: 2-2.5 mile runs

    Saturday: do some cross training (bike, swim)

    Week 2

    Mon, Wed, Thurs: 2-2.5 mile runs

    Saturday: " " (bike, swim)

    Week 3

    Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs, Fri: 2mi runs

    Week 4

    Mon 2mi run | Tues 3mi Bike | Wed 3mi | Thurs swim wrkout | Fri 3mi run

    Basically  you wanna "up" your mileage every week

    Average would be about 20-25 miles/week

    Just like a math problem  you can divi out the miles between the days

    Play around with it

    Listen to your body and don't push too hard in the beginning

    Running, if not done right, can be dangerous as far as injury goes

    Don't focus on time at all in the start. Focus on getting it done.

    *negative splits: running faster in the last half of your run

    Focus on negative splits.

    Do about a 20 min (minimum) cool down run after each workout

    Drink lots of water and lots of stretching

    Here are some of my other related answers:;...;...

    feel free to email if you need any clarification

    Happy running :)

  2. Start out with easy walking at first, about a 20 minute walk with an easy jog every 5 minutes or so. Soon, when you're up to it, build it up a little, maybe a 30 minute walk with jogging every 3 minutes.

    The more in shape you are right now, the sooner you will be able to do a continuous run without walking, and soon it will become easier and easier.

    Make sure you have good shoes, and if your knees start to hurt, stop running for like 2 weeks and ice them for 10 minutes a day, with ibroprofen.

    Good luck with your running

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