
Approx. how many minutes of jump roping= 2 miles of jogging?

by Guest57922  |  earlier

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I really don't feel like going jogging tonight so approx. how many minutes of constant jump roping would you say = 2 miles worth of jogging?

thanks ! xoxo




  1. There isn't really an accurate conversion chart that converts miles into jumps...

    What you need to consider is how long it would take you to jog 2 miles and how intense that jog is. So, if it takes you 20 minutes to jog 2 miles, then you could shoot for the same amount of time jumping rope. However, you might find that jumping rope is much more intense than your jog, so 10 or 15 minutes might have you gasping for breath! Like I said, there's no exact conversion, but you should jump rope until you feel that you've gotten a workout.

    I would advise you to do something like this: Jump rope for 5 minutes, then stop and do some crunches, pushups, lunges, or squats for 5 minutes. Then do another 5 with the jump rope, and then 5 of something else.. Repeat that for the same amount of time you would spend jogging or even longer. I say this because I think it would be really difficult to jump rope for more than a few minutes straight.  

  2. The average weight person (160 lbs.) loses 12.5 calories a minute while jogging.  Jump roping is around the same area at 121 calories/10 minutes.  However long it takes you to jog 2 miles I would take off 5 minutes and that is how long I would rope.

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