
Approx. how many years do you date someone until it becomes serious? ?

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Approx. how many years do you date someone until it becomes serious?




  1. Most people feel that they are in a serious relationship around 1yr. You have been thru the most of normal couple stuff by then. However, it depends on the relationship. How each person views things. Are you feeling like you can't live without the person, or could have as much fun with the next person. Each person will know when the relationship is serious. Esp, if one person is making plans for the future. ( Nxt Christmas we will, when we buy our house)

  2. Years..

  3. If you are over the age of 25 and date someone two years and they haven't made plans to marry you, then end it.

  4. mine was serious within 3 weeks, and forever by 6 months... but, we both are divorced and he has kids from his previous marriage.. we knew what we were looking for and knew it when we found it.. i do not see this happen for many ppl.. many think they have it, then notice it changes as time goes on... but, we've been together for well over a year, and there is still not a doubt in my mind that he is the one!!!

  5. About 1-2.  It often depends on the couple and how much they see one another.  How much they value the relationship.

  6. I think it's different for everyone. And sometimes one person is ready to take it to the next level before the other person is. It can become serious very quickly -weeks even- depending on the situation and the people involved. Other times, it can take years and years.  

  7. if it takes more than a couple of months to know if you can be serious about a person or not than you have a lot of reservations.  If i dont marry within a year than its nothin but s*x.

    If your still dating after a year than all our doing is thinkin of reasons why you DONT want to be with this person! After a year youve already found out all the good qualities

  8. really serious? 5 years... that is serious for me

  9. 1-2 years

  10. there is no set time frame that can be given.

    When you're both ready to make a commitment and are looking for the same things in life is normally a good indicator. Its something that will happen naturally

  11. depends on the people and the relationship. are you "seriously" dating him or are you "casually" dating. ? only you can tell .

  12. after 6 months if it isnt getting serious, move on.

  13. 0_O Years...d**n.

    I went (im married now) into every relationship with a SERIOUS tone. There was no "goof off" period. I dated for the real thing. So right off the bat its time to get serious.  

  14. in my case, about 6 hours.  what can i say other than love at first sight.

    the true test is how long do you have to be together before you know that it will stand the test of time.  the answer to that is years.

  15. However long it takes to learn and use the only thing that will ever make your relationship work:

  16. it may not even take could become serious after a few months! But you will just know when you are serious.

  17. Only women have "goals" like that.  A smart guy will date a chick until she starts that "serious" c**p, then he'll DTB her.

    DTB=Dump That B*tch

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