
Approximate chances that she'll get prego?

by Guest66833  |  earlier

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it's a couple days after her period, the condom broke. she normaly has a 6 week cycle instead of a 4. Good chance at all that she'll be prego?

Also... which brand & type of condom have you found to be most effective? I use Trojan Ultra Ribbed condoms (they hold up a h**l of a lot better than Trojan Her Pleasure, but thats about all I know)




  1. well everyone is different, she could be preg. but she is more likely to get preg. two weeks after her period also i had a 6 week cycle also and i would ovulate all werid so i took a ovulation test both times i got preg.and i found out i would ovulate every 17 days after my first day of my period.well i hope i was some help and as for the condoms i don't use them sorry

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