
Approximate cost of business liability insurance for Virginia?

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I understand that there is no "average" for liability insurance. In my specific case, I live in central Virginia, have leased a one-room office and offer financial education (not a CFP, rather teach people how to budget, etc. - not sell financial products).

Limits of liability not less than $500,000 for an accident affecting any one person; and not less than $1,000,000 for an accident affecting more than one person; and $50,000 for property damage.





  1. OK, you don't get "property damage" liability on a business policy.

    Sounds like you're just a consultant type guy - liability will likely be based on either square footage or gross sales, but either way, I"m betting that a million of coverage, should run you around $750 a year.  

    Excluding professional liability.

    Something to think about, though, you might be able to get a bop - including some property coverage - for $600 a year.

  2. Perhaps You ought to google it first ,nevertheless if you prefer some direct resource ,here might be your choosing.

    You will find much more useful suggetions and tips for your question.Good Luck for you.

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