
Approximately, how long does it take to taxi to Via Rail from Pearson Airport?

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We are arriving at Toronto Pearson airport at 4:00 and would like to catch a Via rail train at 5:45. Is this enough time?




  1. even within a facility, you should allow at least 1 hr connecting time from 1 carrier to another carrier.  if you have to change facilities, you should allow at least 2 hrs, such as in this case.

    you have not even accounted for the fact that the plane could be/probably will be a bit late.  plus time to get your bags and hail a taxi at the doors - you should plan at least 10-15 minutes at pearson before you even get into the cab, unless you carry your baggage and know your way to get directly out the building.

    actual time from pearson to union station can vary depending on traffic and time of day.  looks like you are going during the height of rush hour however, so dont expect a speedy trip.

    during rush hour, i would expect driving time to be at 1 hour or so.  transit is do-able, would also take 1 hr, but involves transfer from bus to subway - but probably more reliable and less subject to road accident delays.

    i would recommend that you rebook the train to the next one, or take an earlier flight, if you can.  then, if you make this conx, which i doubt, then you can take it.  but i would plan on a different itinerary.

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