
Approximately how much does Britain pay in taxes to old people?

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Approximately how much does Britain pay in taxes to old people?




  1. Some small percentage of what they paid in taxes to Briton during their lifetime.

    it depends. there are a lot of figures needed to work that out..

    do you mean just in government pensions? or including extra health-care etc. do you want the deficit after you include the taxes the older people themselves still pay? do you want to factor in those old people who still work?(I'm assuming you mean retired people, not just people older than you) is there a specific age bracket? is this just people without private pensions?

    the short answer? : less than child care benefits, less than the homeless, less than immigration control, less than foreign aid, less than the cost of waging any given war in any given  year, less than the prison/rehabilitation system....

    really short answer?: they're low on the list....

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