
Approximately how much would it cost to get cleaning help to come in? What would I expect them to do?

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Approximately how much would it cost to get cleaning help to come in? What would I expect them to do?




  1. $10 an hour is an insult.

    $75 for 4 hours is a fair wage and that includes windows and ovens. Find an established maid/housekeeper.

  2. I pay 60.00 for a Friday's cleaning...and that includes everything I want done that is reasonable...laundry, windows, kitchen, baths. I include lunch, of course, throw in a pack of cigarettes every now and then, give a tip every now and then. She keeps my house immaculate. And she is happy as h**l for the work. I am very easy to get along with, I do not look over her shoulder. I tell her what to do, she knows what she is doing. Goldwing

  3. My daughter pays $95.00 to the housekeeper who cleans her house.  It takes the woman about 4 1/2 to 5 hours.  She dusts, vacuums, sweeps & mops floors, dust furniture and window blinds, cleans the glass in front and back doors, scrubs the bathrooms from top to bottom until they are spotless, makes beds, puts the dirty sheets in the washer, carries out the trash, cleans the kitchen counters, microwave oven, stop top, etc.  I probably left out something.  The lady does a good job.  She does not pick up the clutter and put things away.  My daughter had to do that herself before the housekeeper arrives.  I think the housekeeper is worth every penney.

  4. hi . i cleaned house for 15 years foe a senior in canada . i did all cleaning from bathrooms to windows . i was paid 12 $ an hour and worked 2 hours every friday .  good luck on your search for a reliable cleaning person . do a background check for safety ,  d.

  5. I pay $12.00 per hour plus 2 gallons of gas.   "She" works off a check list that I update on the computer each week.   Sometimes I want extra things done - such as cleaning out the fridge, or cleaning out the panty!  I am disabled - so any extras she can do, I really appreciate.

    And then on other occasions I have less for her to do - so it all balances out.  And, I never feed the help!      


  6. Now in Chicago area, I get senior services for low income.  Cost is $4.oo an hr.  They grocery-shop and make a lite meal as well as errands such as pick up a library book or medicine. Also lite regular cleaning except no inside the fridge or oven and absolutely no lifting.

    I paid $20.00 an hr when I lived in St Pete fl up to one yr ago  They would do the laundry and iron.  dust, sweep, clean the bath and kitchen. mop floors

    No windows and no moving of furniture.  no rug shampooing and no upholstery cleaning.  Had to hire others for that.

  7. I don't know the current rates...all I can advise you is to be sure the person or company you hire is licensed & bonded (insured) in case of theft or property damages or plain old con artists who LOVE to ask for work, then turn around & sue you & often put a lien on your house & property!  Never allow ANYONE to work in or on your home without a WRITTEN CONTRACT & always consult your homeowners or renters policy to verify if they will cover a worker that you have "invited" into your home for purposes of working for profit, trade, or just a favor.  

    Cover your bases before the games start!

  8. In my community the smaller houses pay $50, and the larger ones pay $65. There is an extra charge for cleaning extras such as windows and cabinets. Nobody's home is huge. The cost around the USA would depend on the area, and minimum wage.

  9. $10.00 per hr, mostly light housekeeping,  I   have also did everything I was ask to do, Other than just dusting and vacuuming, changing bedding, taking out thrash etc,   Check reference before you let a stranger in to your home.

  10. $12-$15 seems to be the going rate for cleaning help here in Ohio.  Be sure to get references and an understanding of what is to be done.  Don't be like my mother who had to clean before the cleaning person came!

  11. 10 dollars an hour and i give them a job sheet to check off.

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