
Approximately what is the water temperature in my 10gal. tank if the ac thermostat is set to 72°F in my house?

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My house stays at about 70°F to 74°F... I do not have a tank thermometer, but I tried to take the temperature of the water with my exergen temple thermometer by holding it right the water surface. It read 77.8°F, I am not sure that this is accurate though since it is designed to be swiped across the forehead, not just aimed at something :) I was just trying for an idea. I am going to get a thermometer for my tank, but I was just wondering if anyone knew what the approximate water temp would be for a 10 gallon tank in a controlled climate of 72°F on average. Thanks!....... If anyone is wondering I have 2 comet goldfish in there & they are super healthy & happy:)




  1. Hi, difficult to estimate correctly without a digital thermometer that has a probe actually inside the tank but Comets can tolerate a wide spectrum of temperature because they thrive equally well in ponds in sub tropical areas through to temperate areas where the water freezes over in Winter so I wouldn't worry unduly about that.

      I would recommend only keeping your lights on for a couple of hours per day for viewing. In such a small tank the lights can heat the water up unnaturally quickly which is not good for the fish. Fish are quite happy with ambient room lighting entering their tank as long as it's not direct sunlight & you only need the lights on for longer periods if you have real plants in your tank.

  2. about 72. Incandescent lights create heat, flourescent generate very little. It depends on what you have. Water holds heat very well so it should be about 72.


    Actually the water might be warmer due to condensation if your tank has a lid.

  4. If you don't have a tank heater or anything of the sort, the water is room temperature. Since it is 10 gallons it might be easier to change a degree or two due to evaporation and condensation, but it will always be within the range of 70-74.

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