
April 13 th 2026 what will happen?

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April 13 th 2026 what will happen?




  1. Nothing that I know of, however NASA's NEO (near earth object) Program is watching the asteroid 99942, called Apophis, because it is supposed to pass close to earth in 2029.  

    The 2029 approach is close, but is not expected to pose any danger.  After Apophis swings around the sun it will pass by earth again, in 2036.

  2. What is supposed to happen on that date?

  3. An asteroid will pass close to Earth (and miss) on April 13 2036 (not 2026).

    The asteroid's name is Apophis (yes, the name was chosen on purpose, when some guy calculated that it had a chance to hit us in 2029).

    Some people still insists that it has a 0.002% chance of hitting us in 2036, but as we get closer and we get even more data on the exact orbit, that probability diminishes every time we calculate it.

    So, I guess that on April 13, 2026, some people will celebrate the "minus tenth" anniversary.

    April 13, 2036 is, of course, a Friday...

    All the 2012 questions on Yahoo will start again, with that new date.  

    You think it is bad now?  

    We'll get questions like "Do you believe this YouTube video where this 'scientist' says that we will sprout arms in our foreheads?"


    Nice call Brant!

    Here is part of the sequence of appulses:

    April 12-13: Mars and Neptune (Neptune is never visible without a telescope)

    April 19-20: Triplet: Mars, Mercury and Saturn within 2 degrees.

    April 20-21: Mercury and Saturn at their closest.

    However, they will be close to the Sun, with the planets rising just before sunrise (we may need binoculars).

    All planets will be almost at their furthest possible distance from us.

    Any astrological "predictions" will more likely be associated with the 19th, although one must not discount the attraction of the number 13 which will allow the mixing of astrology and numerology.

  4. The world is supposed to end in 2012... so nothing

  5. I will be having an early morning romp in the sack with my then wife of 15 years Kirsten Dunst

  6. Very little unless you are here.

  7. People think that the world support to end in 2012. That what the some people  say. But we could still be alive. Also in that year NASA support to send people to the moon  again. Also they are going to started  building the first space station on the moon. Also around then  NASA support to send a family into space too. That all i know.

  8. Found it!

    Mars and Neptune are going to be in almost perfect alignment with the earth.  (Minimum separation around 1 or 2 am, eastern US time.)  Saturn and Mercury are fairly close to this line as well.

    I wonder how close this alignment is.  Gotta do some more research.

    Too bad nobody will be able to see it.  They're too close to the line to the sun.

    Okay, Mars will be a little bit north of Neptune, but still very close.

    What's more, on the 20th, Saturn, Mars, and Mercury are going to be closely bunched together, with Saturn and Mars very close.  Again, it's too close to the sun to be seen.

    Astrologers are going to have a field day.  (If there are still any around.)

  9. April 13Th 2026 will be a Monday that's all i know. is there something else i should know about?

  10. It is your birthday.


    its april  13 2036   The original NASA report on December 23, 2004, mentioned impact chances of "around 1 in 300", which was widely reported in the media.[5] The actual NASA estimates at the time were 1 in 233; they resulted in the Torino scale rating of 2, the first time any asteroid had received a rating above 1.

  12. nothing will happen ! simple!!!!!!!!!

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