
Aquarian mothers......Question?

by  |  earlier

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I have an aquarian mother I'm a cancer female, and we can not get along for long. How are your relationships with your aquarian mothers or mothers with your kids. I'm curious if all aquarian mothers are the same. Thanks!




  1. Ever consider the possibility that your mother may suffer from a personality disorder? I'm not a shrink, but the description of your mom is symptomatic of HPD. Is she shallow, crave attention from new people or strangers, create drama, and refuses to accempt responsibility for anything? Also, this is important... Does she have a history of failed jobs and relationships?

  2. what is an aquarium mother? a mother who lives in an aquarium?

  3. im a aquarian and my grandmother is aquarian, my mother is a virgo. my grandmother is very sweet and nurturing and very quirky becuase she is an aquarius. my mother is very nurturing also but  is a perfectionist and nags the c**p out me, unlike my carefree grandmother. i dont have children but i am nurturing and carefree. but virgos like my mother are still loving. i dont know if this answers your question, i hope it does.

  4. Sorry no.   My mom is very attached to her kids and very loving.

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