
Aquarium Lighting?

by  |  earlier

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i have a 20 gallon tank and i want to have a rich planted environment. What kind of lighting should i get? I was looking at

Because its cheap. I dont know much about aquarium plants only fish so please help.




  1. If you really want lush growth then you will need more light than a single fluorescent light will give. I had an Eclipse 1 and it barely gave enough light for low light plants. Best bet would be to go with a glass/plastic hood and a twin fluorescent fixture or better.

  2. Save yourself some money and don't buy it from petsmart.  I get all my stuff from:


    they have better deals.  

    I would use some blue floresent lights to light up my tank.  It makes everything pretty..

  3. I would get some kind of lights that could shine from the bottom up and the down up.  And if I could I would keep the top ones bright and the bottom ones dim.

  4. I would get lighting from

    Very Cheap

    that one is 65 watts.. So that's more than 3wpg...

    And is 40 bux xD

  5. Get a flourescent T5 light or a compact light. Go with 2 watts per gallon so for your 20g you need 40 watts of light to grow most plants successfully. You need to research which plants you are interested in and look into their requirements and lighting demands. I have a 20g with a 15 watt light and my plants barely grow but live. If you want low light plants go with java fern, java moss, watersprite, amazon swords, anubias nana.
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