
Aquarium water turns yellow?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 20 gallon aquarium with a few endlers, a clawed frog, a pleco (~6" long), and snails. I try to do regular water changes (~ 20%), but when I wait too long (about two weeks or so), the water starts to turn amber/yellow. Anyone know what may be causing this?




  1. Driftwood will turn the water yellow, it's natural tannins leaching from the wood, like tea coming out of tea leaves.

    It wont harm your fish, and it will slow down as the piece of wood gets older. Just keep up the water changes if it worries you.


  2. It's ammonia, or fish waste.

    To resolve this you could put some leafy green plants in.  This will help break down some of the ammonia.

    20% is good, but I would increase the water changes to once a week until you get it under control.

    Get a nirtate test kit, ammonia test kit and a ph test kit, they usually come as a package.  Or you can get the plastic colour changing stickers, they will tell you what's going on in your tank.

    You will need a water heater for the enders, otherwise a cold snap overnight will seethem floating belly up.

  3. do you have any drift wood in there? if you do thats probably the color leeking into the water

    dont worry about it those are just tannins, the only thing bad is that the tank looks yellow, it doesnt hurt they fish infact some fish that live in dark water like piranhas and crayfish like it because it lets less light into the tank

  4. oh... now tt u mention tt u have a driftwood... haha..

    Its fine... Driftwood releases tannins that bring down the PH Value...

    It makes the water darker n yeah! the fishes feel safer in it..

    Its a good thing... =)

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