
Aquariums, I think I screwed up.....

by Guest21530  |  earlier

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I just set up my cold water 20 gallon tank and when I went to feed the fish I accidentally dropped the whole container into the tank.I tried to get as much of the flakes as possible but I could not get it all. the problem is the tank is now on the cloudy side and I am not sure if that is the cause or if I am introducing too much air into the water.Any suggestions? Also the fish are still looking to eat and are eating from the bottom of the tank should I still feed them fresh food? If it helps these are the fish in the tank;

river catfish (1)

neon tetras (4)

goldfish (2)

chinese algae eaters(2)

Black moors (3)

thanks for any imput




  1. If there's still food in the tank, there's no need to feed them.  Start vacuuming the gravel more frequently to make up for the little slip, as if the food is allowed to stay there, you'll see the ammonia levels spiking shortly...  Along with more frequent water changes, temporary reduced feedings (rationing for at least a week) should be put in place to prevent anything from building up in the gravel.

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