
Aquarius - Are they too detached ?

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My boyfriend is and Aquarius and he doesn't show he cares.

Is this his nature? I know he does because we been together for 4months and every time I ask him if he cares he says "i do but i don't know"

I wonder what he means




  1. Aquarians tend to be concerned with the needs of many, as opposed to one on one concern, so if your boyfriend seems more interested in working for the Feline AIDS Association instead of being with you, that's why.  But they do care.  It depends on your sign, though.  If you're a clingy Water sign or attention hungry Fire Sign, you may see them as detached.

  2. I had a girl that was an Aquarius, & she was so attached to me. Plus she was very sensitive. I think your boyfriend is just confused, just one of them undecided people. I suggest you just give him so more time

  3. Anyone who believes in astrology to the point that they assess people by their date of birth is not very firmly planted in reality so maybe you should not judge him based on this foolishness and grow up and perhaps base your decision on something based more on your inner instincts and decide whether or not your relationship is worth continuing. He is likely having his concerns about you also like 'why the h**l is she always asking me if I care all the time'?  

  4. Aquarius can become "attached" but has real problems with intimacy. He just doesn't let you in emotionally its like pounding your heart with a stone; learn to be lonely on a very personal level if you want this guy.

  5. I do think Aquarius come across as very detached. Of course some of them will say they aren't because it doesn't seem that way to them because their just being their normal selves. What seems ordinary and normal to them may seem confusing to the rest of us. The appear to be very detached but in my opinion I don't think that's how they really feel inside. Inside I think they are very attached but how they present themselves shows different. If he says he cares then take his word for it and see how things continue to go. But, if your the type of person that likes a man to show he cares and isn't very detached then maybe you need to find someone that is more romantic and gives you a lot of attention. But, like I said just see how things go with your boyfriend because he may just be the one!  

  6. I'm nervous about attachment.  It means he has something over me that I might not be able to control.  It takes a long time to trust fully and feel a full connection beyond attraction, no matter how much I want to.

  7. No, I don't think we are at all. In fact, I think we sometimes become too attached, and maybe that's his problem? maybe he doesn't know how you'll react or maybe he's still afraid of losing you? I'm sure things will work out for you, but I wish you luck anyways.

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