
Aquarius girl and a gemini guy? good match or bad?

by Guest56486  |  earlier

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Aquarius girl and a gemini guy? good match or bad?




  1. Good, and if it doesn't work out romantically you can still be great friends.

  2. A nice and sensitive relationship is shared between a Gemini and an Aquarius. The Gemini is able to understand and reciprocate the fantasies of the Aquarius. They make inventive lovers who look forward to different adventures in life. The main focus of this relationship is the unexpectedness that surrounds these two zodiac signs. The relationship will have its own ups and downs but on the whole it is going to be a satisfying and inspiring one.

  3. Gemini Man & Aquarius Woman

    This is tied with Libra and Aquarius as being your number-one soulmate love match. The Gemini boy and Aquarius girl combination is excellent because you really appreciate the most interesting qualities in each other. You are both intelligent, insightful people and you will delight in the amazing conversations that you have together. You also share each other’s taste for variety and new experiences, so you’ll have a lot of fun together. Your physical chemistry is strong and romance for both of you is more creative and fun with each other than with most other signs. You will have the best of both worlds in this relationship, because you will be both great friends and great romantic partners. A real soulmate match. (Source: Jellybean's Astro-Soulmate Guide )

    In Gemini boy, Aquarius girl finds a kindred spirit that can keep up with her on an intellectual level. Not one to fall for shallow handsome types, Aquarius girl will find thrilling company and a wealth of inspiring ideas with her Gemini companion. What could be sweeter? (Source: FUNgirl - Astrology )

  4. A very good once since you are both air signs.

  5. When Gemini and Aquarius come together in a love affair, the pair can enjoy a wonderfully stimulating mental connection. Gemini is in love with ideas and visionary Aquarius is full of them. Both of these Signs need their independence; they can easily provide this for one another since they understand the need so well. The only trouble that may arise is if Gemini begins to think Aquarius is too stubborn in their thinking, or if Gemini dawdles a bit too much for Aquarius's fast-paced, forward-moving standards. This type of problem isn't likely to cause a major disturbance; in general they work very well together and understand one another on a very deep level.

    Both Gemini and Aquarius have a great deal of energy. Both their minds are so quick they can easily come up with newer and better ideas and, with Aquarius's determination at the helm, put their ideas to action. They both rely on their quick wits, especially Gemini, and both Signs abhor wasting time. Aquarius can help Gemini focus if they begin to waver, but must take care to allow Gemini plenty of mental space and freedom. Gemini doesn't like to feel crowded or pushed into anything.

    Aquarius is ruled by the Planets Saturn (Karma) and Uranus (Rebellion), and Gemini by the Planet Mercury (Communication). Saturn and Uranus combine their powers to lend Aquarius their progressive, original mind and the determination to put their ideas to good use. Aquarius is the great humanitarian of the Zodiac. Gemini is a great thinker and conversationalist, and can easily help out if Aquarius gets stuck on an idea and needs a little mental shove. Gemini's more flexible mind can greatly aid Aquarius in times of tension or rigidity.

    Both Aquarius and Gemini are Air Signs. Their intellectual bond is strong and true. They're both quite social by nature; Gemini is witty and chatty, in love with impressing people with that quick and agile brain, and Aquarius loves all sorts of people. The more different kinds of people Aquarius knows, the better Aquarius feels in life. Both Signs' interests are multiple and wide-ranging. Gemini's penchant for good talks and debates is satisfied by the many experiences these two Signs are likely to share.

    Gemini is a Mutable Sign and Aquarius is a Fixed Sign. Gemini likes free flow; they prize independence and are very adaptable to change. Aquarius, on the other hand, is much more determined, even stubborn, and generally likes to take the lead in this relationship.

    What's the best aspect of the Gemini-Aquarius relationship? Their ability to work together and provide one another with a sounding board for inspirations and flights of fancy. Their successful verbal interaction makes theirs a healthy relationship.

  6. Hmm...Yea i think so

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