
Arab terrorists supposedly did 9/11, so why does the NSA need to spy on Americans to keep us safe?

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I don't quite follow this logic.




  1. because the arab terrorists could be posing as americans? or even normal americans could be working with the arab terrorists or coming up with stuff on their own?

    it's not that hard of a concept to understand

  2. if you said "Arab terrorists supposedly did 9/11" I can see why you don't follow the logic. It's not your strong suit.

  3. They are listening in on calls that go overseas to suspected, known terrorists.

  4. Bush craves POWER!

    and 9/11 is a very convenient excuse to get it!

    Why did the worlds greatest military power FAIL to defend even its own HQ?

  5. They were in the U.S. at the time. They didn't fly all the way from another country.

    Besides the government wants all control, it's only going to get worse.

  6. Because Arab terrorists can disguise themselves as Americans.

  7. Unfortunately our terrorist friends have sleeper cells in our country that have been here for years, it maybe hard but we must do whatever is needed to protect us, I feel this should have been done years ago, maybe 9/11 might not have happened, maybe.

  8. They don't; that's just an excuse and a stepping stone towards martial law, FEMA camps ( / etc. They are spying on Americans, yet the borders are still open, go figure!

  9. It's all part of the plan, this is just the beginning, pretty soon they are gonna try to take our guns away and if you think the police don't break into your house because they "RESPECT YOUR RIGHTS" think again. Once they disarm the citizenry the police will really start acting like the thugs they are.

  10. ask them,

  11. fascism

  12. they dont no dat da arabs reeely did it

    so there is no way to be shore that they did do it

    so they think there is a good chance some1 else did it

    so they spy on the closest ppl next 2 9-11 site

    other words.... us

  13. I am not a huge fan of domestic spying; but, since I have nothing to hide, who cares?

    Some spying is necessary because our borders are as solid as a slice of Swiss cheese.  Any fool who makes it to Mexico with $200 in his pocket is home free

  14. The NSA isn't spying on random Americans.  They could care less if you and suzie both hooked up with the same guy last weekend.  The NSA is looking for suspicious activity.  If they see 35 people just imigrated from Iran, and are living in New Jersey, making 15 international phone calls every other day, to Afghanastan, this is something the NSA would look into.  They are looking for suspicious activity, not listening to everyones irrelevant telephone conversations.

  15. because theres a chance it can happen again. And what do you mean by "supposedly"? Are you one of those wack-jobs?

  16. I am guessing you haven't heard of all the attempts at domestic Muslim terrorism?

    We have stopped over fifty attempts of terrorism (that I know of and have heard in the news) since 9/11.  The Patriot act and FISA are doing their jobs wonderfully.

    Oh...and yes, Terrorists DID fly planes into the WTC buildings and the Pentagon....

  17. What, you don't think there are Arab/American Terrorists.

  18. Cause the Constitution says we can't single out any race so when we really just want to spy on the brown people we have to spy on everyone equally without warrants.

  19. The NSA doesnt spy on Americans, look up the FISA bill on Wikipedia before you ask ignorant questions.

  20. Because government always wants more power, and citizens have been fooled into thinking it will make them safer.  The odd thing is that we fooled into thinking this is a new problem...  Ben Franklin couldn't said it any better in his day...

    "People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither and will lose both." - Benjamin Franklin

  21. I once read this book it was orwellian it explains the loss of civil liberties to keep you free. We are free aren't we? I mean.... just because OUR government knows our every move that doesn't mean ...... ohhh I guess it does huh

  22. supposedly, terrorists will phone the USA

    i dont think that is logical

    besides, it is a violation of civil liberties

    warrantless wiretapping brings up the old quote from Ben Franklin...."Any person who would sacrifice a small amount of their civil liberties for a large amount of security should deserve neither"  

    i think the quote is something like that

    anyways ....

    vote Ron Paul '08 to protect American civil liberties

  23. You are acting like a spoiled child.

    Listen for a change:

    We are spying on the terrorists.

    They make lots of phone calls.

    We spy on the people they call.

    Some of these are in the US helping the terrorists.

    American or not, they used to hide behind the "wait until some old f**t judge issues a warrant" law.

    We got played by the terrorists and missed some.

    NOW, that's not an issue anymore.  We can follow the call wherever it goes.

    That way, we can hunt them down and lock them up, shoot them up, hang them, whatever.

    Your problem is not that you"...don't quite follow this logic.", it's that you are so full of the c**p dished out against the President that you have refused to think logically about it.

    Th press and the terrorists OWN you now.  Stop whining and start thinking for yourself.  You'll follow the logic.

  24. Because those terrorists were inside our country to carry out those plans.

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