
Arabic...can someone please put up the actual arabic?

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words...not the english writing of arabic, but the language itself..if you can, which says I LOVE YOU. my man just sent me a text in arabic....its supposed to say I LOVE YOU OLD COW !!!! haha what would the arabic look like soi can compare it to what he wrote. (hes always pulling tricks on me !!! ) thanks xxxx




  1. the Arabic  love word is (I love you ) = أنا أحبك

    but old caw that mean different there is some ways to translate one of them = بقرة قديمة

    or = بقرة عجوزة

    or = بقرتي العجوزة

  2. Aw, I only know the arabic numerals - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc..

  3. My best  friends arabic! Ok well  i used a translator: أحبك البقر القديمة  

    I hope it worked!

  4. 'I love you' :

    أحبك (uħébbuka) (to a male), أحبك (uħébbuki) (to a female)

    (Egypt): أنا بحبك (ana baħébbak) (to a male), أنا بحبك (ana baħébbik) (to a female)

    (Syria/Lebanon): بحبك (bħébbek)

    (Morocco): نبغيك (nebğeek)

    'I love you' :

    to a man (uħib:ukato) أُحِبُّكَ

    to a woman - (uħib:uki) أُحِبُّكِ

    'old' : adj. :

    (objects) قديم (qadīm)

    (living beings) كبير السن (kabīr as-sin)

    'cow' :  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚¨Ã™Â‚رة (báqara) f.

  5. "أحبكي أيتها البقرة العجوز"

    thats in formal arabic however formal arabic is rarely spoken and while every country in the middle east speaks arabic each adds some words and have an entirley diffrent accent so understanding Morrocan Arabic is a really hard job for me even though i am a native speaker

    having made that point

    he also could have said

    حبكي أيتها البقرة الكبيرة

  6. arabic language :أنا باحبك يا بقرة عاجوزة

    ok now but english in arabic letters:  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚£Ã™ÂŠ لوف يو  

  7. Sorry my Arabic is very rusty but this is about the nearest i can get  , To all Arab speakers i am sorry if i got it wrong no insult is intended. Arabic is a language that if not produced exactly can give a wrong meaning    ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚£Ã™Â†Ã˜Â§ أحبّ أنت بقرة قديمة

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