
Aragon promotes a pro-life competition between schools

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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The website of the Ministry of Education, Government of AragÃ_n promoting a short film competition with a pro-life message. The contest rules explain that the pieces should seek arguments to "defend the life of the unborn," offering a " beautiful vision of woman to an unwanted pregnancy opt for life" and " highlight the important role of men in all these situations as essential and complementary to individual women. " The call is aimed at students between 14 and 18 years and belongs to two associations calling themselves " pro-life " Hotline for Women and Adoption Foundation. The calls that includes education in your bulletin board usually public jobs or educational programs for teachers.

The emergence of competition in an institutional page in full controversy over the reform of the abortion law to end the system of deadlines, has raised protests from the opposition and feminist organizations. Both the Aragonese and the PSOE have requested the attendance of the Minister of the Department, Dolores Serrat, and the president Luisa Fernanda Rudi in full. A government spokesman says counseling Aragon can not " restrict freedom of anyone " and that the criteria used to hang counseling calls on your page is very comprehensive and is excluded simply "what is illegal." "This, in particular, was selected because it promotes visual learning " the spokesman said, adding that they are not going to withdraw.

The decision to include this call and no other government anywhere " a partisan criteria " and seeks to " instill a doctrine " since childhood, says Lorena Canales, Socialist spokesman Women and Equality in the Community. " I've been called several competitions short of Aragon after seeing that advertise this, complaining it costs them that the government promotes them," he says. Carmen MartÃ_nez, Member of CHA in the Cortes of Aragon, says that this call is in the " retrograde " PP line.

The decision has also alarmed feminist associations especially after the statements of the president Rudi Abc in which was positioned in the most popular hard-line training, defended the law intends to adopt GallardÃ_n Minister and claimed that the abortion "no it is a woman's right. " The new text, delete criticized for assuming fetal malformation, only contemplates terminate pregnancy in case of rape or risk to the health of women. Ends and guaranteed right to abortion since 2010 by Zapatero and after he dropped the number of abortions. Tables with data reflecting the decline disappeared yesterday for a few hours the web of Health. The Ministry says that was due to a computer error.

 Tags: Aragon, competition, prolife, promotes, schools


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