
Arbitrator Shyam Das rejects grievance filed by NFLPA on New Orleans Saints bounty scandal

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Arbitrator Shyam Das rejects grievance filed by NFLPA on New Orleans Saints bounty scandal
On Friday, arbitrator Shyam Das announced his verdict on the grievance filed by the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA) and dismissed the union’s argument that NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell cannot rule on player actions that took place
before the signing of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
The decision came three days after another arbitrator, Stephen Burbank had earlier dismissed a second grievance filed by the NFLPA.
Shyam Das had heard arguments from both the NFLPA and NFL representatives in a single meeting before adjourning the meeting without any date given for the decision.
On Friday though he ruled that the commissioner does have the authority and paved the way for Goodell to start hearing the Saints players appeals filed against the punishments handed down to them for their role in the bounty scandal.
In a statement released by the league Das said.
"does not . . . constitute an agreement by the NFL that the Commissioner relinquishes authority to impose discipline for conduct detrimental occurring prior to the execution of the CBA on August 4, 2011."
The NFLPA had argued that according to the CBA signed between both the league and the union, the commissioner had relinquished his authority to rule on actions taken prior to its signature however, Das has decided that the waiver does not stop the commissioner
from ruling on actions that are detrimental to the integrity of the league.
Now all eyes will turn to the appeals that are set to take place on June 18th in which all four suspended players will try to get their suspensions reduced.
Goodell had earlier in May suspended four former and current Saints players for varying number of games because of their participation in the bounty scheme.
Current Saints players Jonathan Vilma and Will Smith were suspended for one-year and four games respectively.
Former Saints players who were at the franchise during the bounty scandal were also suspended with Green Bay Packers, Anthony Hargrove suspended for eight games while Cleveland Browns, Scott Fujita was suspended for three.
It seems unlikely after the rejection of the grievances that the Saints players will have their punishments reduced by Goodell at the appeals.



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