
Arboreal viv - 1 or 2 UV tubes?

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I have a 4ft high viv I'm building to house a juvenile Iguana. I was going to have a single UV tube fixed at the top of the viv, but then got to thinking that as the range of the UV is 12'' (Reptiglo 5.0), the effective UV will only reach the top quarter of the viv. This is not a problem while the resident is basking as the basking spot is within the range of the UV. However this leaves the bottom three quarters of the tank out of effective UV range.

Should I fix another tube hafway down the viv or alternatively should I switch to a single Reptiglo 10.0 that has a greater range (20")?

If the answer is to switch to a Reptiglo 10.0, would the increase in UV whilst close to the tube in the basking spot have any negative effect on the resident ?

many thanks




  1. IMHO, get 2 10.0's.  You won't regret it.  Iguanas are the cliche case for MBD, and for good reasons.  They are extremely susceptible to it.  5.0's I just don't believe will cut it, even if you have 2.  2 10.0's should do the trick however, especially if your ig is moving around in its enclosure a lot.  You could also try 2 mercury vapor bulbs, or a mercury vapor bulb and a 10.0.  I dislike 5.0's for *anything* that needs a lot of sun, they just don't have the "oomph" to do it and keep your animal healthy.

  2. Hmm, well my opinion would be that a single UV tube will be enough. Stick a reflector on it to maximise the effective UV rays.

    If you have money to throw around, then buy two - just for the sake of it. Remember they will BOTH need replacing every 6 month - thats about £50-£60 a pop.

    I wouldn't fix it to the top though... i'd fix the single tube about one third of the way down, that way you get rays 12" above and below.

    You iguana will detect if it needs to get some UV and sit closer in the same way it would sit closer to the basking spot for heat.

    As for MBD - just use a calcium powder that also contains D3 (what the UV tube provides). I use a powder called "Miner-ALL" which is a calcium and D3 mix.

  3. i use the reptiglo 10.0 the 5 is not very good for reptiles as it is not very effective, it would be better if you fix the UV lighting in the middle of the Viv as that Way your iguana will get the benefit of the UV a lot more, but it will not effect the basking light at all, but if you get a 10.0 half way down you should only need one but if you want one at the top as well it won't do any harm, best of luck with your Iggy it is nice to see someone who thinks about what is best for theitr pet.

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