Ailanthus is classified as a noxious weed (similar to Sumac). We have a terrible problem with Ailanthus in our yard due to overgrown females on a vacant lot next to ours. The females shed seeds so fast that they've taken over our lawn.
OK, so I trespassed and cut 5 (females) of them down last summer. However, there is one more female left...about 55 feet tall. If I choose to fell it myself, there is a danger of it falling onto my roof. Can't afford the $1,200 for a service to remove it from the adjacent property. Trespassing again. Get it?
Q: how can I slowly kill this monster weed?
Q: how do I kill off the million shoots in my lawn?
Q: Is there a weed killer that I'm not aware of that will allow me to take my lawn back?
BTW: I've spoken w/ the authorities about this problem. They, and I can't reach the owners to find the solution. Absentee property owners.
Any and all help appreciated. Thanks :)