
Arborists and weed specialists please help...?

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Ailanthus is classified as a noxious weed (similar to Sumac). We have a terrible problem with Ailanthus in our yard due to overgrown females on a vacant lot next to ours. The females shed seeds so fast that they've taken over our lawn.

OK, so I trespassed and cut 5 (females) of them down last summer. However, there is one more female left...about 55 feet tall. If I choose to fell it myself, there is a danger of it falling onto my roof. Can't afford the $1,200 for a service to remove it from the adjacent property. Trespassing again. Get it?

Q: how can I slowly kill this monster weed?

Q: how do I kill off the million shoots in my lawn?

Q: Is there a weed killer that I'm not aware of that will allow me to take my lawn back?

BTW: I've spoken w/ the authorities about this problem. They, and I can't reach the owners to find the solution. Absentee property owners.

Any and all help appreciated. Thanks :)




  1. Alianthus altissima (Tree-of-Heaven) can produce suckers from the roots similar to aspen, and if the tree is a female, the suckers may instead be seedlings. A product such as a brush killer containing triclopyr or garlon is the best thing to use for ultimate control. You can spray this on the suckers, or apply it to the cut seedlings. If you are trying to kill a large tree, cutting frills in the bark with an axe or hatchet and applying some of the product in the cuts will also work. If you are careless with these products you will also kill any desirable plants in the immediate area. Be sure to apply these products carefully to the trees you want to kill. It make take several treatments.

    A pesticide label is the law; read and follow all product recommendations.

  2. They do have all kinds of lawn weed killers out there. Not sure which is the best. Scotts is a pretty good name brand. Now for that pesky weed: get some of that stunp remover stuff. Drill a few good sized holes near the bottom of said trunk and put that in it. It will kill it dead. I killed some poplars that way. LMAO

  3. Mac,

    I going to speak to the last part of your question.  The authorities aren't being very helpful.  The property owner must pay taxes, therefore they do have an address for the owner.  If he's not paying taxes, just wait for the proerty to go into default, usually 2 - 3 years and buy the property at county auction.

    There are some products out there by the way that will kill the weed, probably before it germinates.  Call your county agricultural authority, (usually it's collocated with a state university) and ask their expert opinion.  They should be very knowlegeable on every plant (including weeds) that are indigenous to your area.

    good luck

  4. try this website although all it says for removal is to pull them up.

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