
Arc Faults?

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Is there such a thing as 220 arc fault breakers. If so where can they be bought?




  1. Depends what type of panel you have. Square D go to Graybar. Siemens, ITE, Cutler Hammer go to Rexel. I have seen these breakers actually just the other day. GE go to GE Supply. Hope this helps.

  2. Yes, arc fault breakers are new, they sense arcs and shut off the power.  Most likely not worth the extra $, but it's up to you.

    Not commonly available yet, I've only seen them on the net for sale

  3. USA    I have not seen a two pole Arc Fault breaker for 220 volt.  They are required for 125 volt (single pole) circuits for bedrooms, but I know of no applications at 220 volts where an Arc Fault breaker is required.

    You cannot place an Arc Fault breaker on a multiwire branch circuit using 12/3 or 14/3.  They can only be used on single circuits.
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