
Archaeology/anthropology degree?

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i'm curious about becoming an archaeologist. Is it a hard degree to get? i'm about an average student, would it be a hard major? I'm live in texas and looking for a state school, what would be a good school to consider?




  1. I was a fairly average student in highschool and I am a major of Archaeology at a major first tier university. If you're really interested in the technical aspects of archaeology, Texas A&M has some really unique programs you should consider. For instance, they have the leading program in the country on underwater archaeology. Pretty neat, no? Different schools will put archaeology under different departments. I partially study archaeology under anthropology, but I also major in archaeology under the classics department. Either way it is extensively interdisciplinary, centering on history, literature, anthropology, linguistics and foreign language studies. I have found it to be an extremely interesting study and being only in my sophomore year of college I have already been able to work with museums fact checking some of their items. If you can hack it, you can prepare for a life alternately dealing with ancient things and adventuring around the world.

  2. I don't know about Texas, but I can answer your first question...I'm an average student too... and I am at my second semester of my first year... I like..I LOVE it... it would take me lots of hours studying to get me an average of A's but I don't...but I'll eventually have to...;o) good luck and pursue your dream... we might end up on the same field one day!!

  3. archaeology is not overly difficult no.  anthropology can be more difficult as it asks you to question more, and has some heavy analytical tools.  these are all learnt in 1st year tho and not too bad.  my problem with archaeology is that you can't argue with your lecturer's point of view.  it is a very conservative discipline and academic b1tchery is rife.  i failed a couple of essays trying to use someone else's book to support arguments.  but good luck.  even if u don't get a career in archaeology (not too much going on and what IS going on is quite boring, ordering assemblages, pottery shards etc, quite tedious), it is a great start in any job as you will graduate with good communication and analytical skills.

  4. Texas Tech.

  5. texas has some good archaeology programs especially in classical and aegean archaeology.

  6. Archaeology is anthropology. It is a sub field of anthropology...

    Im an anthro major and studying to be an archaeologist....and I would suggest to not go for it unless you are overly passionate about the field.

    Despite what others is difficult and hard for some to get thier heads really gotta like history...and most don't.

    And despite the level schooling...the job itself it difficult. It is a hard life. You gotta be good and get lucky to make money. Not every archaeologist is successful...most aren't.

    So unless you cannot see yourself doing anything else...that is the only reason I would suggest pursueing this career. I've been wanting to do it since I was 8 years old. And I love history and historical literature more than anything else. I am a historian at heart and always have been...unless you are...don't go for archaeology.

    Now cultural anthro is different. Cultural is the study and observation of living cultures. Now that's not easy either...but it's easier than have to be willing to dedicate your life to this field...unless you are...don't do it...

  7. I'd suggest leaving texas, but yeah. WAY easier than bio and psych.

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