
Archaeology graduate programs?

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I'm considering going back to school to get a Masters. I have a BA in Anthropology, and I'd like to study archaeology. Know of any good (and affordable) archaeology grad programs?




  1. It depends on where you live and what you want to do.  In Canada, there are a few standouts.  

    The University of Toronto offers programs in everything imaginable and has top-notch equipment and networking across departments.  Physical and Forensic are very strong, as are opportunities for international arch.

    McMaster University is known for its great physical anthropology programs.  

    All the universities in Quebec offer super-cheap masters - less than 9000 per year for domestic students, and most are much cheaper than 9k.  

    UBC is known for its proximity to well organized and funded First Nations groups, as well as the absolutely stunning material culture you can find in British Columbia.  

    You should probably do some quick research into the tuition costs of the schools you're interested in.  

    If you are Canadian, you can search here:

    Other countries, you can search here:

    Remember to keep an open mind on what 'cheap' means.  As an Ontarian, I was looking at a minimum price of around $20000 for my masters.

  2. Master's programs are always expensive, as was mine. You need to weigh the cost against your career goals. Can you recoup what you will spend, esp. in a field like archaeology?  I decided I could not and persued another love - law, but I still am not close to what I made w/o a degree in 1994...Sad. huh?

  3. Well you need to chose a specific field of archaeological study. Some schools have wonderful prehistory programs but lousy historic ones. My school (SUNY Albany) has one of if not the strongest Mesoamerican programs in the country, but practically nothing else.

  4. As others have said it depends on your research interests.  But if you are looking for Cheap, then you have to stay instate, or find funding where ever you go.

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