
Archeology/Anthropology what will it take for these life science subjects to be accepted in christian dogma?

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The wall always seems to go up when you try to engage christians in conversation with respect to factual information about the the history of civilization and unless you include supreme involvement there tunnel vision shuts you down no matter what the subject.

You have to pray for divine guidance before conversation can begin.

We know this is pretty heavy talk but seriously when will there be recognition of the facts as uncovered by some of the most renowned A&A men in the world.

IE: Lewis Leaky and many others to numerous to list.




  1. This is a funny question in light of history.  Modern Archeology in large part owes its existence to the Bible.  Many of the early modern Archaeologists set out to the Middle East intent on disproving the Bible once and for all.  However, the Bible proved to be so reliable, that many of these Archaeologists converted to Christianity, and most of the rest at least recognized the incredible accuracy of the texts.  As far as I know, nothing has changed.  Where Archeology has challenged the Bible, the Bible has always proven out eventually.

    Anthropology is an entirely different animal (so to speak).  Modern Anthropology exists mainly as an Apologist field for the Theory of Evolution.  It is almost entirely based on the opinion of a few people who have become recognized because they accept the "truth" of Evolution and refuse to accept opinions that differ from the orthodoxy.

    It is hard to get at the truth in Anthropology, because it is buried beneath several layers of lies and fiction.  For example, in classrooms one might see a display of skulls going from a primate skull on one end, through a dozen or so transitional skulls, and finally ending with a "typical" modern human skull.  Unfortunately, most students won't ask, but only the two skulls on the ends are "real", the rest are artists renderings.  

    Another egregious example is the fact that many Anthropologists resist the large amount of evidence that "Lucy" (Australopithecus afarensis) was a knuckle-dragging, tree-dwelling primate, in favor of their earlier (less scientific) opinion that this was an upright-walking, land-dwelling evolutionary step between humans and primates.  "Lucy" is just the latest in the long line of hoaxes and errors that helps keep Anthroplogy from being accepted by anyone other than Evolutionists.

  2. I was the only kid in my first grade class class to ask the teacher, how come the dinosaur isn't in the Bible. Of course, there was no answer. When I was first introduced to evolution, it was like light bulbs going on in my head. I noticed that the creation story seemed pieced together. Since coming on this site, I've had to rack my brain and it occurred to me that the story was meant to have additional information. I looked and there it was, the Jewish have a written and oral religion. This isn't meant to be a subject of Christian consideration. The past belongs to one and the future to the other.    

  3. It is for Christians just to wake up to reality

  4. You can't chase after ignorance, to enlighten it, that's like yelling at the back of a deaf person. They will only understand science when they're ready, if ever...

  5. We need to reinforce critical analysis of information at an early age. Fairy tales & the supernatural have always held sway over the majority of the human population.  Even atheists have those that believe in ghosts & other elements of superstition.  When an easily understood explanation for something is not available, then humans tend to default to the supernatural because the supernatural requires no critical investigation or detailed analysis of information.  

    The only hope is to educate detectives that logically sift though all available information, develop their own hypothesis, then subject that hypothesis to critical review by others. The "imprinting" of the young has long been used to foist illogical views on society & may be a near insurmountabe obstacle.  

    Sorry about the letters missing, my keyboard batteries need replacing... I'll pray for the keyboard.

  6. Unfortunately, some people hide their ignorance and fear under the guise of their religion.

    I'm sure you've heard the famous Karl Marx quote, "Religion is the opiate of the masses."

    It's important not to stereotype, however, since not all Christians are also creationists. But those that are tend to be so wrapped up in their own vision of the world that they refuse to listen to reason.

    Your best bet is to avoid these types of conversations with people like this, because 9 times out of 10 they cannot be convinced, and it could potentially turn ugly, which benefits no one.

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