
Archimedes' Principle???

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How can I describe Archimedes' Principle easily and concisely? It isn't making sense to me at all and I'm sooooo confused! HELP!!!!




  1. According to my notes, Archimedes' Principle states that buoyant force of an object is equal to the weight of the fluild displaced by the object.

    Examples are:

    -person in bath tub



    I hope that helps!

  2. you have a bucket completely full of water, you put a closed jar on it and water pours out from the bucket as the jars sinks in a little but keeps floating. the water that poured from the bucket is equal to the weight of the jar. if you do it again but fill the jar with some coins, you'll see that more water comes out.

  3. The net upward buoyancy force is equal to the magnitude of the weight of fluid displaced by the body. This force enables the object to float or at least to seem lighter.

    It is named after Archimedes of Syracuse, who first discovered this law. Vitruvius recounts the famous story of Archimedes making this discovery while in the bath (for which see eureka) but the actual record of Archimedes' discoveries appears in his two-volume work, On Floating Bodies.

  4. if an object floats in a fluid, the weight of displaced fluid is equal to the weight of the object.

  5. If a piece of wood is placed in water (or any other material is placed in any other fluid) a volume of the fluid is displaced by the same volume of the material. This displacement generates a force on the material, tending to reverse the displacement. Archimedes' principle states that the magnitude of this force is equal to the weight of the displaced fluid volume. The bit about floating or sinking comes from the density of the material relative to the fluid. Wood is less dense than water, so the weight of the water displaced is greater than the weight of the wood, and the greater force pushes the wood out again

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