
Arco gas last shorter than other company?

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does arco gas last shoter than other company.

im currently driving a 350z, i saw previews online saying people can get 25-30mpg. but i can only get 21 MAXIMUM no matter how i try to drive it. i am currently using arco gas. cuz its the cheapest in california.

also for my moms honda accord, its also suppose to be 25-30mpg, but i only got 22 maximum. using arco gas.

i always wanted to try other brands, i heard the 2 best ones are shell and chevron, but i dont know which one to choose, i saw some news earlier that all the gas stations have to meet a standard... does that mean they are the same.

please give me some answer so i can know which gas to get




  1. All gas is the SAME. It comes from the SAME refineries. 20/20 just did a story on it

  2. most gas these days does have to meet certain standards these days,and most gas burns about the same not all cars will get the recommended mileage they should ,you need to check and see when the last time the car was tuned up was,most of the time a good tune up will help any car,not all brands of gas though will run the same in all vehicles,i do better on bp than anything else,shell and chevron both are good brands,but then again your car may not get you the mileage the book says it should get good luck.

  3. I'm in MT, ID, UT, WY a lot and keep records of all my gas purchases.  When I buy Kommiefornia gas I seem to get about 30% less mileage.  The differences in gas at different stations is the additives and if they mix ethanol in with the gas.  Ethanol seems to cause all my cars to get less mileage.

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