
Are, bee populations: gone for good?, severely crippled?, or just at risk?

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Are, bee populations: gone for good?, severely crippled?, or just at risk?




  1. Certainly at risk, for if they are gone forever, we will be joining them soon enough

  2. Good question, I've heard alot of arguments - but I believe the truth is they are not at risk exactly...or crippled...or gone for good.  Bees are trucked into different parts of the nation when theres a shortage, the shortage is primarily due to the change in the weather and/or climate in various areas.  I do not think the bees are gone forever....their pollenation cycles have simply been altered due to the change in climate (ie: warm weather, colder weather) some would say this is a clear sign of the effects of global warming.

  3. As of now, I would say at a severe level at risk.

  4. If they are gone for good we have maybe 4 years before we are too! Lets hope the can still be saved

  5. I got stung Sunday. Then my friend got stung Monday.

    Bees are *** holes. There's still too many.

    From my research, the true extend of Colony Collapse Disorder is wildly exagerrated. Many of the numbers appear to be made up and have no scientific basis.

    Many reports of CCD are proven to be merely small decreases in a colonies size.

    It's the same as the killer bee scare and all the other garbage the media pedals to spread panic for ratings.

    Mainland China has not experienced CCD. There are a few anecdotal reports from Taiwan, but still no scientific backing.

  6. They are fine. They are just a little bee-hind on their buzz-ness commitments.

  7. They are definately not gone for good b/c i got stung yesterday and there is one buzzing outside of my window right now

  8. at risk

  9. SEVERELY CRIPPLED! from what i heard

  10. Bee populations are being threatened all over the world.  There is a mite affecting them of which there is no known cure.  Only one country (Australia) is now free of this mite.  Australia is currently exporting bees all over the world.  It is estimated that if all the bees in the world died off, the entire world's population would die of starvation within 5 years.  This is a very serious problem which needs a lot of research.  Otherwise we will be fighting over oil and bees.

  11. at risk because of 800mhz from cell phones

  12. Meh I don't like them because they just like to sting you anyways. I say be gone with them since we can live without honey and butterflies still carry pollen.

  13. i was just talking about this with my dad today. in china, there are no bees. in the us, they will be gone in 2034 if they continue dropping they way they are. this means no more fruits or vegetables. they fixed that problem in china by hand-pollinating the plants. dont kill the bees!!!

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