
Are 14 years old boys really lazy?

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I've asked mine to cut the grass as we have a bit of sun, and he is doing everything to get out of it...

I've went and asked a neighbour to start up the petrol strimmers as he couldn't even do that, he has came in 4 times so far because it has cut out...

My nerves.....................




  1. It all depends on teenager's work ethics. It's not necessarily true that all teenagers are lazy. Some tend to be more active than others. In your case, your son tends to be lazier. However, even though it's summer, it's no reason for him to slack off. Tell him to buck up and do some chores. Do not tempt him with money or presents, because then he will only learn to do work in return for rewards. It is much more rewarding to do work gracefully with the satisfaction of accomplishment.

    Hope I helped.

    Please choose for best answer. ♥

  2. My guy friends aren't, but a lot of guys at my school are. Some of them will even sleep in class (and for some odd reason not get caught). Just say you'll pay him **insert amount here, maybe $10 or $15 to mow the lawn** or just offer food and he'll do it right away. That's usually how I've found guys work at that age. "Hey can you go get me a soda? I'll give you a dollar if you do" and then five minutes later you'll have a soda :)

    Not all guys are like that, some of them will ask you what kind of soda and go get one, and that's really sweet.  

  3. 14. Shouldn't he be doing what he wants at that age providing he's not hurting anyone?

    Why don't you send him down the pit?

    Ha ha, just kidding. Yeah, they are.

  4. Lol, know the feeling, except mines a 14 year old girl. I've leant that they won't do somethng for nothing.

  5. All Kids and teenagers are Lazy** !!!

    Very Manipulative and lil bratz

    But no matter what as their parents "we gotta love them ! " lol

  6. Well my brother is 14 and he is h**l lazy, can't even be bothered to open his curtains or flush the chain. And when I do ask him to help clean the kitchen, he throws a tantrum and punches me or something and acts like a r****d so he can get out of it.

    He gets on my nerves!

    I know how you feel.

  7. *sigh*

    my answer : start drinking LOL

  8. Yeah.. Id say they are Lazy lol. As most lads are anyway

  9. brother is extremely lazy. You can tell him to put some cans away like 5 times in his face and he will pretend he didn't even hear you. He thinks he can get out of it by being unresponsive. Makes you want punch him in the face.

  10. yes alot of teenage boys r lazy!!!

  11. Yes.  I told my 15-year old to mow the lawn and he mowed three rows in the front yard.  Then he stopped and came inside because he "saw a worm".  The front lawn stayed like this (with 3 stripes mowed) for a week until I finally finished the job.  He says he really wants to earn money, but when I offer $10 to mow the lawn or $3 to wash the dishes, all of a sudden he is not so interested in earning money.

  12. I don't know about 14 year old boys, but my husband, he's 68 ^^^

    he's way lazy. He never does anything!!!

    It makes me very sad!

  13. lol!

    That sounds about right!

    Mrs SM ~ Where's your skihat? Put it back on, it suits you.

  14. yes he's lazy. I came in 7 times in one long stressful mowing session. And my "mommy" was screaming for more.

  15. I just showed your question to my 14 year old boy!  (who is lounging on my bed playing game boy) if 14 year old boys are lazy, and he said "YES!!!"

    Sadly, if I were to ask my son to cut the grass, he would probably do the same thing yours is doing.  Actually, I asked him to vacuum (hoover) his room and he still hasnt done it.

    Your nerves.. my nerves.... I totally relate!  

  16. Not all of them. I'm (almost) 14. And I mw the lawn, wash the dogs, Shovel snow, etc. But yea most 14 year old guys I've met don't even care about how they smell. "Dude you wreak!" "It's my man stink!"

    That's how most are but you know there is that 10% that'll do anything to make people happy. I hope I am considered that 10%. Anyway, It is normal for a 14 year old to try not to do chores. Hope this Helps!

  17. don't encourage her snizz, did you see the

    state of her last night,lol

    i don't have boys but my daughters a lazy sod

  18. Most but not all teenagers are lazy.

  19. I hate when people clump all teenagers into a group and describe them as 'lazy, irresponsible brats'. I'm 15 and am taking advanced placement classes this year as well as doing 16 hours of dance classes a week. I'll be sacrificing sleep and a social life for school and dance, and I hardly think that can be classified as lazy.

    It's not my fault if your kids are lazy bums. It's probably yours.

  20. all chaps are lazy LOL!

  21. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhhhhhhh

  22. most of the ones i know are either waaay too energetic for their own good or are reaaally lazy... i have some 14 year-old friends and during school assignments they dont do anything. if i ever have boys they wont have the option of not listening :P

  23. yes they are lol  

  24. Give him a kick up the ****  

  25. some,i wasn't lazy at 14 years might of spoonfed up most of his whole life and he just grew up not wanting to it.or could just be lazy

  26. yes they are my nephews are do d**n lazy I wish i could spank them...rrrrr

  27. i'm sorry to hear you have a headache, but you kinda answered the question yourself, cuz boys are immature, lazy twats. get me?

  28. some - IM NOT!

  29. It may be that he wants to work to his own agenda.  14 year olds need more motivation than being nagged by Mum.

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