
Are 18 year old football trading cards worth anything?

by Guest32766  |  earlier

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My Wife collected them back then and has a shoe box full of them. Bo Jackson, Joe Montana, and others like them.




  1. it all depends on the card. What brand? what player is on the card? how many of those card were released onto the market? what shape the card is in? there are alot of variables that determines if the card is valuable. Like back in the 70's and the 80's makers of football cards flooded the market with extreme amount of cards of each brand. Pro Set, Flear, and Topps. just to name a few. made most of their cards value very low the fewer amount of cards out there the more valuable the are. so buy a beckett(football) magazine that give the value of the cards the have Beckett's for other sport cards also.

  2. Look for rookies. The rest even in 30-40 years are going to be Common Cards and worth $5-10 a piece. Where as Rookies are going to go for much more. As long as its not a common rookie. Basically if the guy didn't suck you're golden.  

  3. uh dude if they arent bent and **** yea.... some go for thousands

  4. 18 years? - does she have a Favre rookie in a Falcons uniform?

    Well, you can search on eBay - most of the cards she has probably have sold there - and you can see what they might sell for.

    for example: Favre Rookie cards:

  5. I have those to but it depends cause topps makes those and say there origanal

  6. Hmm depends, probably Joe Montana that you listed is worth the most.

  7. I say wait ever longer so the cam be worth hundreds or even thousands especially if there rookie cards.

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