I was wanting to get a 19 inch HDTV and use it in our bedroom so we could hook up our PS3 to it and play games and watch movies on it once in a while. We don't have the option to get a bigger one. I know obviously bigger HDTV's are a lot better, but unfortunaly we can't get anything bigger then 19 inches in there. There are several 19 inch HDTV's that are 720p and that is what we would able to get. I know that the higher the p the better, but my question is, if you take a standard 19 inch tv and hook it up to a PS3 and right next to it you hook up a 19 inch 720p HDTV and hook that up to a PS3 so there are two sets side by side, would you be able to tell the difference? Again I know that you would notice a bigger difference with a bigger tv with a higher p but again, we can only get 19 inches. I was really wanting to get one and wanted to know if it would be better quality then using a standard tv. Thanks!