
Are ''Psi shields'' the same as force fields, and if they are strong enough can nothing pass through them?????

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I heard about things called Psi balls, wheels and shield. I know its energy but i wondered if they are strong enough would it be like a force field, like the invisible woman makes on the fantastic four. Can someone that actually knows about them answer, not someone just trying to get points.




  1. I've heard of them, but nobody has every been able to demonstrate their existence. This hasn't stopped people from believing in it, though. However, if you're looking for a "force field" to shield you from supernatural energy attacks, look no further. I am far more powerful than any self-proclaimed chi-baller, telekinetic or psychic. Simply by not believing in their claims, I can disable their "powers" completely. They have no effect on me. All are welcome to put me to the test :)

  2. Well, I haven't gotten to the point where I can play with energy to this extent, but yeah, it is essentially (I do know someone who can though, play with energy balls and make force feilds like that). But I'm not sure "nothing" can pass through it--sold objects will probably still pass through it. But on this I'm not entirely certain.

    But... wanna feel the energy yourself? Wanna make an energy ball? It really is very simple. Place your hands together, palm to palm, as if you were praying. Rub them vigously until they tingle, then very slowly pull them apart. Feel that? Trying pulling your hands a bit further apart and pulsing them (together, apart, together, apart, slowly, not too quickly or you won't feel it). You should start to feel the energy pulling at your hands. It might be cold and it might be hot. If the chakras in your hands are working correctly then it should feel slightly cool between your palms (and slightly tingly). When your done, put your hands back together to make sure the energy isn't wasted but go back into yourself.

  3. Psi balls, shields, umbrellas, wheels, frisbees, etc. are things of pure fantasy and imagination.

  4. Definition

    A shield is a concentrical form of energy that works like a window screen. It filters the energy that moves through it and defends against other's negative energy. It also prevents people with psychic abilities from using them with you. Shields help empaths keep others' emotions separate from their own.just think it the way you want to create it but in a white light form that is all,remember theory is not the same as practice...

  5. Force field is a good analogy. And, no nothing can get through

    a really tight PSI shield.

    However, if it is properly produced, you can tell when someone


  6. There have been cases where a person's own personal energy field has gone on auto-pilot and 'deflected' things...however, to do as much with a conscious will/intent is highly unlikely as it would take an extreme amount of mental concentration which most humans lack.

  7. ok, the truth however is not the magical fanciful answer you are looking for.

    Psi sheilds dont exist, nor do psi balls. No measurable or unusual energy has been detected between the hands of someone claiming to make a psi-ball.

    Maybe if you go into space and get hit by a mutating energy anomaly like the fantastic four you can get your power.

    Otherwise, you will have to be bitten by radioative insects like the rest of us.

  8. There are no such things as psi shields. These fall into the realm of ghosts, Big Foot, and Rosie O'Donnells intelligence.

    The force field you refer to is a magnetic field use to contaian such exotic substances as anti-matter, and plasma.

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