
Are 'hockey moms' a large demographic in the states?

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You can't listen to a Republican Convention speech without hearing a mention to 'hockey moms'! What makes them so special?




  1. i'm not sure but it's a really irritating term

  2. I wasn't a soccer mom but I sure was a soccer grandma.  I was with them through it all and I never left their side, rain or snow.  The only time a game was not played was if it was lightening.  Then and only them it was called off but we stuck with it till the end.  They are a special breed and I really enjoyed yt years of it,  In fact I now miss it even though it would be very hard for me to keep up the pace------I would sure try.  But I ran of out of soccer playing kids. lol

  3. Not where I live.  Here it's more like soccor mom's.  Soccor mom's are usually those with young children, and many times more than one child under 10 or 12 years old.

  4. In cold climates, where it is often too cold to play soccer, yes. They're special because they work AND they make time to watch their kids play. I guess your mom never did.

  5. Hockey mom's, soccer mom' football, basketball mom's, etal.

    They are to be congratulated for their tireless efforts to work and care for the welfare of their children.

    One group that was never lauded or even mentioned by either party are single mom's. Theirs is an extremely difficult job without benefit of a second adult to help them along. I know that many of the previously mentioned mom's are also single mom's and I applaud them.

  6. "Hockey moms"? Maybe in Alaska they play hockey, but other places in the USA, we call them "soccer moms". But they are probably the same thing, just in different states.

    Soccer moms drive their kids everywhere in the soccer world (practice, games, etc.).  Usually this means that they are active in their kids' lives. I think this is why they might be considered special. They are also likely to be married. Married women tend to vote Republican. So it might also be appealing to part of the Republican base.

  7. Right now everyone is referring to "hockey moms" because Sarah Palin is one.  And I'm sure they are a big demographic in Alaska, and probably cold weather states like New York, Michigan, Minnesota, etc.

    It would be the same as making a reference to being a "soccer mom" or "football mom" or "band mom" or "little league baseball mom" or "basketball mom" or "cheerleading mom", just talking about a mom who goes to the practices/games and hangs out with the other moms there.  And takes it all very seriously, because it involves her kids.

    Plus Sarah Palin made the joke about "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull?"  The answer ~ Lipstick.

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