
Are 'traditional' men and women ever bothered by sexist remarks?

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And if so, how do you deal with them?

I'm curious, because I know many of the things I consider sexist, you don't so I'm just wondering what your experience is, and how you respond these issues :-)




  1. My lack of concern for sexist remarks is not linked to whether I am traditional or is more a matter of recognizing the importance of it in the whole scheme of things.  

    A very confident person, I am never fazed by a sexist remark sent in my direction....because it truly has nothing to do with me - and everything to do with the person making the remark

    And at the end of the day, we only have so much time and energy for the negative.  I choose to keep it at a very minimal using precious energy to consider the ignorance and stupidity of others doesn't even make my radar...

  2. Sexism is a social construct created by feminists to belittle and attack men.

  3. This is the thing. When you are in a real "traditional" relationship, one where there is true love, respect and equality there is no worries about sexist remarks. First, my husband would never dis-respect me by be-littleing my s*x. He is very aware of the many talents and intelligence of women. Second, he would never tolerate someone else dis-respecting women. Third, I do not be-little or dis-respect him or his s*x. Nor do I allow people to make remarks in a negative manner about men in general. I love men, they are amazing creatures. Men and women are very different, each equip to handle different situations in different ways. Our bodies are different, our logic, our reasoning, we are tempted by different things, I could go on for ever about the difference's. So how do I handle sexist remarks? I get up and walk away. I do not value the opinion of people who don't respect me. I wont waste my time with them.

  4. I'm not a traditional person by any means, i am bothered by the negative messages we have all heard growing up that told us that men are rapists oppressors, child abusers and wife beaters. More recently there is the sexism in advertising and tv and silly slogans, boys are stupid, girl power and the like.

    I have responded by lumping all feminists together as easily led hypocrites and laughing at them.

  5. Yes. I hear remarks of the 'typical men' variety fairly regularly. But I have seen a few pretty interesting remarks on G&WS recently e.g. "Guess what loser - now it's men's turn to be oppressed so let's see who is the weaker s*x now".

  6. I am always bothered when I hear sexist remarks but don't consider myself too traditional.

    I think the older generation are the most likely ones not to be bothered by them.

  7. Words are the weapons of women, so guys don't usually let a silly remark bother us.

  8. I'm not easily offended by anything, and I tend to laugh off most sexist comments. I don't find chivalry or gender roles sexist, but it does bother me if someone implies that one gender is somehow inferior to the other; I live traditionally myself but I still believe in equality. I suppose it depends how much the issue or comment affects me; if someone said women can't write, I'd take it more personally than if someone said women shouldn't be in the military.

  9. I'm not bothered. I am a man and I do manly things. If someone thinks I can only do what they consider "traditional" then they are the ones at a lose, not I.

    As for responding to these issues, I am who I am and I have nothing to prove.

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