
Are 80's perms going to come back in?

by Guest64596  |  earlier

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with all the 80's fashion that's in at th moment.




  1. god no  

  2. Hopefully not, I don't think I could bear the sight.

  3. I liked the big hair.  I thought it was feminine.  What I hate is the current styles ultra straight or bed heads.  Maybe you could start the trend to get out of the sloppy look that seems to be so popular.  

  4. Let's hope not -  

  5. ew hope not

  6. I hope not. When I look back at my 80's perm photos I get nauseated!

  7. nahh i dont think so, i mean the clothes is okay cause they are being kinda adapted if you know what i mean. but people are mostly staying with regular hairstyles of the moment and/or copying celebs. if celebs start doing it...then YEAH. XD

  8. no

  9. For humanity's sake, I hope not!!!

  10. no way!

  11. Yes!!! I love big hair!!!!

  12. Yes. Get one.

  13. Im bringing it back

  14. Yeh they definitely are (but in a fashionable way). If you are in the UK, then tv series like 'Ashes to Ashes' have them down to the ground.

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