
Are A-Levels really hard?

by  |  earlier

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im about to start them...




  1. They are the hardest things Ive ever done and I have a degree! It's a case of getting your head stuck into your books and alot of revision if you take a course which is mainly final exam based, which mine were.

    However, now there are various courses which have course work and not so much of an emphasis on your final exams, as well as AS levels.Best of luck with them.

  2. not if you put the effort in... even if you dont put the effort in you will pass and get into uni if you are a bright girl

  3. depends which ones your take . . . most aren't too hard provided you work for them

  4. AFRE YOU F**KING MAD??? alevels are much harder than a degree!!!!!! i did economics and then law!!!!!!!! you dont do anything in uni!!!  what are you talking about ! seriously choose some easy alevels trust me you dont want too much work!

  5. Depends on your degree. Eg A-levels are a walk in the park in comparison to medicine or engineering. Also depends on where you go.

  6. Danja, how can you say they are harder than a degree when you haven't done both? I've just finished my degree and I can tell you that many a time my friends and I said how easy A levels were compared to Uni. I did Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Computing at A level and you had half the amount to learn compared to a degree. Also, you comment that you have to learn four wide subjects, try learning neuroscience, cell biology, molecular biology, renal physiology, cardiovascular, bacteriology etc all separate modules and completely different subject matter.

  7. trust me they are hard! ok i have just finished my as level exam yesterday and you know wat...i had 5 examz in 1 day. that is accounts and maths..2 units for maths and 3 units for accounts. and the 1st exam started in morn at 9 and complteted at 12.00 gt onli 15 mins break and then ready for my next exam accounts which was 3 hrs to sum up a levels are hard...but u just gta work hard for them and trust me if u seriuosly study then u will be fyn in the exam... tc cares x*x gd luck in choosing ur subjects... x x

  8. not as hard as a degree!!!!

  9. yeh all depends... im doing maths, physics, biology and chemistry and i think it is VERY HARD. lol

    suppose it also depends on what grades you need. it could be said to be harder for people who need all As because of the pressure they are under

  10. They ARE harder than a degree. I don't know what the person who answered first is going on about..

    Doing 4 wide subjects and at the end of the year doing 3 hour exams and stuff, I've just finished AS and I had to do a couple of 3-hour long exams, f**king hard I tell you. If you have a good year workwise, you should ace them.

    Wooton2, My brothers are both at Uni, my teachers also have all said A levels are harder, the first year at Uni you just need to pass, A levels are constant exams, in january, and may/june for two years!! 4 months into your AS you're already taking exams deciding your grades. And it's not just 4 subjects

    4 * 3 units (5 * 3 if you're really clever)

    12 Units altogether. At uni, it's much more vocational.

  11. The harder you work the easier they are

    A  degree is hard if you want a good grade, Pretty easy if you just want to do the bare minimum and mess around and leave with a shi1tty grade.

  12. I am starting my A Levels soon lol I just read answers from other YA users and i feel like im gonna dying startin frm this sept lol :(

    u goin to 6th form or college? gud luck! :)

  13. don't listen to these people saying a A levels are harder than a degree, because they are not. Just because you are studying at least 2 or more A levels does not make it harder than studying for a degree.

    i have just finished doing my As levels, and its not easy, but it's only going to be hard if you don't put the effort in (!).

    Don't worry too much, i mean i think you should at least start it and see how you feel then. i'm sure you'll be fine.

    gd luck.

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