
Are Accenture unhappy with timing of Woods' statement?

by Stevie Colts  |  11 years ago

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Ernie Els says Woods was "selfish" to make his announcement when he did, clashing with the WGC in Arizona. But what do the company think?




  1. Sports_Guide
    A spokesman for Accenture said the company had no problems with Woods. "We got a call from Tiger's agent [Mark Steinberg] prior to the announcement yesterday, so we had a heads-up that they were going to make the announcement and they told us they were timing it for Friday - for whatever reason, it was important to go out this week," said Fred Hawrysh, director of corporate communications for Accenture. He added "I don't think he's taking away from the tournament; I honestly don't feel that."

  2. Brian
    Why would they mind?

    TW's press conference made front page news worldwide during a tournament they sponsor.

    Great publicity for them.
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