
Are Alien Face Huggers Real?

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Iv'e seen some pretty scary stuff about this, so i just want to know if these things are REAL! If they aren't then GOOD!




  1. Well directly no. But indirectly yes. What can you associate a facehugger with. In the alien movies these things attach themeselves to their victims face and then via a proboscus lay an alien embryo in the region of where the stomach-lungs area is. In other words its a parasite and much the same way like the parasites on our world the facehugger is a sciencefiction way of telling a story about parasties. So in from the movie point of view no there are no such things but let me tell you that most parasites on our world are pretty much the same. The only good part is that there are none yet that are in a way dangerous for humans unless if you would refer to the worms. A very good example of a modern day facehugger is a species of wasp. This wasp lays its egg into a living ladybug. The egg hatches inside the ladybug and the pupa lives of the still living ladybug. In otherwords the ladybug is being eaten from the inside out while it is still alive. Once the pupa has matured it will metamoph inside the ladybug into a wasp and then eat its way out. Of course the host is dead by then. Now put yourself into the ladybug and imagine there was a parasite that required a human being to develop and you would slowly be eaten up from the inside. So no facehuggers are not real - yet.

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