
Are American Superstars Shawn Johnson & Michael Phelps the epitome of what the Olympics is really all about?

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  1. I don't get your question. If you mean they are the symbol of US Sports right now, yes. If you are asking if they are the essence/substance of Olympics. No. Every athletes who participated are. Winner or loser.

  2. guess from the USA point of view

    Jamaica would say some 1 else as would China and so on

  3. No, it's about every athlete who goes out there and gives it their all.

  4. From the US point of view, yeah. From the world's point of view, no.

  5. They both show sportsmanship and excellence. So ya, they are the epitome of what the Olympics are really all about.

  6. Yes they rocked the world, American style...

  7. no

    next question please

  8. Honestly, I dont think thats what the Olympics are really about. Shawn Johnson and Michael Phelps are great Olympic competitors and tremendous athletes and show the epitome of American pride and personal dedication and commitment is. But the real epitome of the Olympics is the Olympics it's self this year. The fact that it is being held in China, a country that just 40 years ago was arguably the most fearsome dictatorship and is just now showing that it is ready to be accepted into the international brotherhood of the Olympics is the real epitome of what the Olympics are all about.

  9. Yeah. Agree.  

  10. not at all. Every athlete is great and important. Michael got a lot of media attention here in the states, but China and Jamaica have equal footage. We are just so accustomed to making our athletes above everyone else it is pathetic. But worldwide we are over 6 billion. Somewhere, there are many others who are  better than Johnson; better than Phelps. They just haven't gotten the media attention as yet. In a few weeks the Olympics will be a forgotten phenomenon except for those who participated.


    and Ryan below, is absolutely correct.  We toot our own horns, but there are many who are better than us.

  11. Agree with marlont. From a US point of view - probably.

  12. No, it is supposed to be about unity.

    Also, Shawn Johnson was hyped to be a superstar yet she only got 1 gold medal.  I don't think we should go into an olympics and put so much pressure on a little girl to win gold because that is not what it is all about.  In my opinion she still is a superstar but I just wish there was no hype about past performances.  Then, because media played her out to be so big, everyone forgot about the rest of Team USA - it was only when Nastia won gold for AA that people started cheering her on too.

    When you go to the olympics, you should go in with a clean slate because most other countries don't know you or what you've done nor do we know what they have done.

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