
Are American feminists as irritating and pointless as UK ones?

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Are American feminists as irritating and pointless as UK ones?




  1. They're feminists after all, so I say it's about equal...  Feminists in general are irritating and pointless, not just the US and UK one..  


  2. Yes, irritating, but it's a game, don't you know? A feminist is vociferous and repelling to get the one up on males, which they loss anyway in the attempt, but many males recognize her smarts, so they tolerate them while including them as one of the guys, because she can generate prosperity, and there seems to be a large group of s**y women surrounding  the feminist trying to tap into the aurora of power, also competing for male attention. It's a happy hunting ground.  

    Professing male feminists, and effeminate men jealous of the illusion of female sexual power get confused, and they find themselves also competing for the attention from the males while never figuring out why they are such a turn off to normal women.

    The game is also about a females selection of one mate in a sea of men. Monogamous females are compelled to repel all but one male, and they have numerous ways of baiting them in to slam them down shrinking their appendage, forever more the woman has them in their control. That's the reason why so many women expose the cleavage. We love it too.

    Happy hunting. It's an illusionary sexual game. Nothing is real.

  3. Well I only find the feminists in America annoying that are man-hating or try and pull things that aren't even about feminism into the the whole ordeal and label it a "feminist issue."  I consider myself a feminist but it's a part of my humanist stance.  I simply want sexism eliminated.  This goes for sexism towards men as well (which certainly exists.)

    Men should be allowed to dress how they want and act in any way that doesn't fall in line with what someone else deems as "proper masculine behavior."  They also shouldn't be held to higher standards of conduct or morality than women and vice-versa.  

    Men and women have slight differences but with any stereotype there are exceptions.  Most studies show that what is considered "male" or "female" advantages (mutli-tasking, spatial abilities, math, language skills to name a few)  only apply to 80 percent of men and women.  20 percent of our population doesn't fall ability-wise in line with what their s*x is "supposed" to represent.

    People should treat everyone equaling and find out their own indivual skills and weaknesses through experience, not label them immediately as incapable or inferior in some area.

  4. hmmm I guess they would have the same ideals.

  5. OY how dare u call us pointless

  6. Feminists originally wanted equality for women, which seems fair enough really.  Not that long ago women weren't allowed to vote, weren't allowed full educations, were supposed to leave their work after they were married etc etc etc, and were pretty much just pets for men.  By being irritating and annoying feminists have managed to make life much more equal for half the population, which personally I think is a good thing.

    So UK and US feminists are probably equally irritating, but they aren't pointless quite yet.

  7. Most likely.

  8. yes, they are.

  9. i don't know are american males as irriatating and pointless as UK ones?

  10. Yes David, they are universally irritating and pointless.

  11. yes.  feminists over here get pretty annoying at times.  sometimes things they do are good, but some women are crazy here.

  12. Ive no idea, i don't live in the US or the UK, feminists fight for women's rights, so that's not pointless, although they should focus on places were women don't have many rights ,like Saudi Arabia.

  13. Feminism in itself is pointless; overasserting the rights and views of the female s*x only highlights the fact that we are weaker.

  14. Depends how you define "feminist".

    Most of them aren't. They just think that the label sounds nice 'n' warm 'n' fuzzy and trendy. Goes down well with their mates.

    Then there are the others. Their go-girl indoctrination classes have worked a treat.

  15. One is just as crazy as the other; completely pointless.  Just assure them  they're human-beings and they'll love you for life.

  16. Which ones?  The radical man hating ones?

  17. You tell us. You're the expert in "irritating and pointless."

  18. Feminists are not irritating or pointless, they just want equality (equal rights) whats wrong with that?

    The ones who hate men are wrong if that's what you mean.

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