
Are Americans are ignorant racists? what means "troll"?

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I think about moving to America with my wifes, I have great job waiting and HB-1 Visa, but now maybe I no go. women in USA don't respect culture and disobey when I say no answer my question. I beat them, if I was there. And now they say "troll, troll" and I ask: What means "troll"? Is it racist slur against my culture?




  1. huh???

  2. it is someone who asks fake or absurd questions for their own entertainment

  3. A troll is someone who goes around on the message boards making posts that are deliberatly meant to insult or stir people up.  Its someone posting spam.  

    On a message board where most of the countries that are represented recognize that women are people not property, your thing of not wanting women to answer is looked at as dumb, stupid, uneducated, and trolling (spamming, trying to rile people up, ect)

    Beyond that, if you give women a chance, you might find out the answer, especially when the q is about women.  For example, your q on why women have so much to say.  Well, the answer is that here in the US, we respect women and treat them as people not property.  We dont believe women should be barefoot preg and in the kitchen, we believe they can have valuable opinions on many subjects.

    And to answer your other q, no there are no docs in the US that will perform female circumscision because we see it as a abuse and mutilation.  Why would you want to prevent your women from having pleasure during s*x?

    Your culture is very clearly very different from the US.  If you have a problem with that, then maybe you need to stay in your own country in your own culture.

  4. Don't worry, troll is a compliment in many cultures, usually the ones that beat women.

  5. Hello,

    In the past and in legend a troll was an scary, fearsome elf like creature that lived in Norway in the hills, caves and mounds.

    Here is an article with pictures:

    On the computer and internet a troll is a person who enjoys writing in and trying to say many things to upset people for sport. They can be black, white or purple and attack all races and cultures.


    Michael Kelly

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