
Are Americans basically opposed to science?

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A survey of Americans found that only 30% would say that nanotechnology was "morally acceptable". Whether that answer reflected any understanding of what nanotechnology is or not is really beside the point.

A majority of Europeans said it was.

Could this explain why Americans are more skeptical about global warming than most all other advanced countries?




  1. I'm tired of people blaming everything on religion. The same elements that are in religion will always creep into science. Why? Because they both created by an undeniably flawed being. Whether you accept it or not, main stream scientific thinking is a religion that many put their faith into.

  2. No...Americans are generally opposed to socialism, whereas a majority of Europeans are not.  The wording of surveys change the outcome drastically.  Odds are there was a reference to possible tracking/monitoring/identification somewhere within the survey.  Americans hate Big Brother.  Technology is amoral...its potential use, and in this case MISUSE, determines its desirability.

  3. Geez I really don't see what religion has to do with nanotechnology.  How is that 'playing god' any more than inventing the telephone?  If god wanted me to talk to somebody 100 miles away, he would have made my voice louder!

    I think it's clearly true that religion is more prevalent in the USA than it is in Europe, and that religion is often in opposition to science (though I don't think it should be).

    I don't think it's fair to say that Americans are basically opposed to science, but I do think that a significant percentage of Americans have religious or political views which are often in opposition to science, moreso than in Europe.  This is very unfortunate, but it does help to explain our country's 'skepticism' with regards to AGW.

    However, it appears that the opposition to nanotechnology is primarily for religious reasons, whereas the opposition to AGW is primarily for political reasons.

  4. I think the explanation can be found here:

    Unfortunately, the US is no longer providing a world-class math/science education to most of it's citizens.  My own kids in college take introductory science courses that are easier than the high school level courses I took 30 years ago.

    When you add to this lack of a solid education, our 24x7 disinformation media (where personal opinions have replaced the fact-checked news reporting of decades past) and it's clear why so many people are confused or uninformed about science.  And ignorance causes fear/distrust, so ignorance of science causes a distrust of it.

    I recently read that some in the religious community in the US distrust science, in general, because they wrongly consider the theory of evolution as being anti-religious (even though many religious people recognize it as valid).

  5. No...... it just has to be 'sound' science...... not the knee-jerk stuff we've been seeing lately.

  6. You mean American democracy allows much more publicity around viewpoints that are basically moronic? Thank god for that.

  7. Evans makes some good points about wording of the surveys. Also, they only surveyed 1015 people, they could have just been in a poor area. Nanotechnology is a relatively new science and is not well understood. My son is a biomedical scientist and has been doing research in nanoparticle reconstruction of microscopic hair cells in the inner ear to restore the loss of hearing. Oh, and he is a Christian that goes to church too. It could be that the people surveyed were just rather ignorant and possibly associate new technologies as being harmful to the environment, since we are constantly being informed that humans are bad for the environment. It could even be a reflection of the wonderful American public education system.

  8. Just make sure to not make a generalization and believe that all americans are like that.

    I think I heard about 50% of americans believe in creation, a much higher percentage than any other country.  I think this paints a clear picture.

    Some of us still enjoy learning about the physical world instead of caring who did who last weekend.  Some of us are still interested in higher knowledge.

  9. May I remind "Deep blue" and "evans" that all European countries are also democratic and you certainly don't understand how Europeans think! A typical European has the capacity to think beyond themselves, whereas some Americans think only of themselves, particularly those with the conservative mindset.

    I think America is deficient in science. Americans are more skeptical, because our cars and houses are so much larger than we really need them to be and some can't get beyond god giving us choices that we may come to regret.

  10. Yes they are.

    I am frowned upon for being a Sophomore and taking two science classes. And i plan to take two next year and in my Senior year. My Honors Biology teacher randomly comes into my Environmental Science class and every single time i see her next she always says. You take TWO science courses.

    I am the only Sophomore in my environmental science class. Its all Juniors and Seniors.

    I really don't get what Americans have against science in general. I want to be a meteorologist or an environmentalist and people frown upon the face i want to be a scientist.

  11. Only when its to their advantage. After all no one is born stupid not even Americans.

  12. Check how many are very religious.

    Would that be an answer

    Do we start worrying now

    Answers like this wakes up religious scientists ,who claim there is no conflict.

    Don`t entirely agree with Dana ,Plenty of deniers claim that Global warming was not written and that God is doing his own thing,and knows what he is doing.

    If that is true,i think he does not loves his flock any more and is thinking of lamb chops instead

  13. the reason most americans are against nanotech is because the propaganda machine (oops, i mean the media) tends to steer away from what THEY don't understand.(in my humble opinion of course).


  14. The more that is known through science, the more people realize that there is no god. Science is therefore a threat to religion.

  15. We are opposed to science in the good old US of A.  That's why we don't have any of the best scientists in the world from here.  They're all idiots.  That's why we've never won any Nobel Prizes in science either.  Because we're idiots.  

    We like things simple.  Like blowing things up, drinking Thompson's Water Seal for a nice buzz, and giving our kids paint thinner to sniff so that they'll have a good nights' sleep.

    You got your information from the  Oh my.  What a reliable, well known source.  Gasping for straws are we?

    Most Americans do believe in Global Warming.  But we're not all sold that it's solely our doing.  It's probably a mix of the climate changing a bit (as it's done since the beginning of time on earth) and us.  Even so, the c**p we're putting in the air, global warming or not, can't possibly be good for anyone.  So an effort should be put forth, regardless of whether or not one believes in Global Warming, to stop it.  Our emissions and greenhouse gases aren't good for anyone.  

    Why not pick on China a little bit?  They just passed us for greenhouse emmisions.  40% of the polution in California actually comes from China.  But we don't ***** about it like some idiot (except for me of course).  We'll do our part.  But we aren't signing any Kyoto Document that's out of date and which hardly any of the countries that signed it are actually reaching their goals.  In fact, the success rate has been awful.

    Would you like us to draft a new one, that's more up to date?  We tend to do these things well, but best wait until after coke monkey Bush is out of office.

  16. Most Americans also think if you raised the minimum wage to $12/hour, people presently making $6/hour would see their pay double for the same work, rather than lose their jobs.

  17. I wonder - could your question also be phrased to show that the lack of understanding of science is the reason why people believe in AGW.

    Beliefs, opinions, consensus, have no place in science.  These are the tools of mystics.

    One person with facts makes the science right.

    Right now, no one can tell if this summer will be warmer or colder, wetter or dryer than any other year any better than flipping a coin.

    That ain't science......

  18. I don't know, but I find the assertion that religion and Ludditism (however you spell it) are the same thing ... offensive.

  19. Because we have global cooling as its the coldest winter in North America with the most snowfall in most snow regions.

    Better get used to wear fur coats.

  20. Here's one for you.

    In 1969 the self reported literacy rate in the US was 99%.  

    Later a study was done to confirm, to see if there were any changes over time.

    Only this time a test was given.  Simple essay and answer questions about what you just read; simple math word problems; follow some simple directions.

    And the result?  In the US - today - it's estimated that 25% to 33% of the population is functionally illiterate.

    From this you can draw your own conclusions.


    If you think chemical pollution from the 20th century is bad, wait till you see biological and nano-particle pollution.  It surprises me that the Europeans, mortally opposed to genetically engineered crops, can't see the potential danger of nano particles.  Any time you introduce a new agent into our 4 billion year old system you have the potential for unknown consequences / destabilization.  How can it be benign to release hundreds of millions of years of stored carbon in the space of hundreds of years... blah blah blah broken record...

  21. americans=christians

    but i'm an atheist and i stil don't quiet buy into global warming just yet because i think its just phases the earth goes through in the 70"s it was global cooling and if you read anything about dinosaurs it says when the earth was much warmer i don't just small things like that but yeah the reason we are stupid is thechristians fault

  22. I'm a "skeptic" of AGW and I'm British

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