
Are Americans capable of sacrificing and pulling together as one?

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The only time that i have read that Americans pulled together was in ww2 and before that The Great Depression.Vietnam-split,Hurricane Katrina-split,Iraq war-split,Does America need a Facelift or stay the same super war heroe business as usual Mc Cain-SPLIT.Black and White-SPLIT....And we are the AMBASSADORS TO THE WORLDS THAT,THIS IS THE BEST WE CAN DO.Can we come together or will we have to wait for a space alien visit? or For the Messiah?




  1. 300 million special interest groups is what this nation has become.

    We couldn't agree to terms  and conditions asked much less sit down and hash it out.  Hopeless...

  2. America is supposed to crash . A big surprise seems to be on the way.

    The rest of the world will also suffer.

    First comes Apocalypse

    Next comes Armageddon  

  3. It's hard to answer your question in this limited space; but I can tell you this sir: I have never seen a country standing together like the American people do. I hope this sentence is helpful.  

  4. After the last 7 years, I'm not even interested in pulling together with the liberals.  No way.  It went way past an appropriate point of disagreement.

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