
Are Americans fed up with their congressional leaders?

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In the early days before the establishment of our country when our founding fathers said that tyranny had cast it's dark cloud over the land, what eventually happened? There was a revolution, that's what happened. Unfortunately, that dark cloud of tyranny has returned but what can we do about it? Should we go about apathetically unconcerned and just let those fascists and their lackeys continue to slap us around like a bunch of dopes or are we going to do something about it? Short of firing the congressional leaders in the next election (or moving to another country that values the will of the people), how can we take back our country? Seriously, what can we do?




  1. I was just getting my kids on off to school and i was seriously thinking about the state of things in America.

    Tyranny your right.

    Vote, vote and vote again.

    The biggest problem that will be hard to fix.

    Breaking the back of a firmly entreanched two party political system.

    The truth is America has the majority of its poeple areuneducated about its own local goverments.and how to access the goverment on the town, county and somewhat state level. Certainly we have between 50 and 60 percent of the population in the presidential election but where it should start is where one buys there groceries.

    Maybe it will help now that gas is so exspensive poeple one will get involved, two we will really watch closely as to what our respective towns are doing. We need to turn in.

    I feel that the whole change issue is lke a a ripple effect where you live and then out. the more poeple get involved then  the better things will slowly change and hopefully for the better.

    We have monstorous sized political interest in this country that control the Republican abd Democratic parties.

    There are two parties that control our white house. When there is a mutiple part y system more voices in this melting pot of different cultures will really havethere voice in this country.

    The state I live in only allows Democratic and Republican primaries. These parties have total control of the political process. Monopoly-

    The only real change starts in town goverment then to the top.

  2. There are 2 essential steps to correct this problem and 1 step that doesn't make a positive contribution.  1.  Elect people to Congress and the Senate who pledge to really and truly eliminate the power of money from campaigning.  So long as both parties need hundreds of millions to run campaigns, money talks. We walk. 2.  Raise the level of political involvement by the citizenry.  An informed and participating democracy that truly values the ideals of democracy would never get into this situation.  What not to do is talk about "revolution."  The Constitution was enacted and today should be cherished as the one thing that stands between the people and chaos.  We just need to be better citizens here in the USA.  Get informed.  Get up off our sofas and work for a better Union, as the preamble says.

  3. Run the tyrants out first by electing Ron Paul as president forming watchdog groups over congress members who continually go against the constitution and the will of the people and get rid of them. That is what we can do.

  4. The only way that you can truly make your voice heard is not by voting, cause anyone knows with half a brain how well that has worked so far. Not paying your taxes would be a definate way to get them by the balls but, this has to be not only done by a few but, millions!!!! Think about it!!! Could they honestly jail millions when our military is already strained? No!!! Our prisons are already over crowded as it is too!!! Only when you take the fuel away from the fire is when they truly listen and start to care when it affects their own wallets!!! For those who truly want to see this country strong again will do just that!!! Those who want more real issues to be looked at, other than abortion, steroids in baseball, or some s*x scandal!! Too many are slackers just keeping a seat warm and need to learn the term political downsizing!!! If we had a way of a true voice to be heard allot of problems would be solved now and not later!!! Internet polls should decide for all government officials of wether or not they get to keep their job!!! That is another way a to motivate a slacker not doing what he should for the people. And no form of government should be allowed to oversee or affect this process in any way!!! I think if this had taken place before we elected Bush, Iraq would have never happend!!! Only those who work really hard to keep their psoition through  a seperate form of voting other than the current one we have will make a change that is good for all!!! If we are expected to pay taxes, we shouldnt have to wait untill someone different comes to change things the following term!!! We shoudn't have to pay for all the bs scandals that take up valuable time away from other issues that truly matter and fraud us of our tax money!!! If someone is not doing the job like they should, we need a more swift way of dealing with them as well!!!  Government as well should not ever be allowed to ever take money from any business,corporation, or entity, to give themselves any advantage over another buisness or people for further gains!!! The seperation of church and state should be in black and white, and mean just that!!! The right to keep and bare arms should be everyones right that can pass a background check. A seperate task force from the government should be born, and seperate from the police, DEA, or FBI, to take drug dealers, and criminals out of our neighborhoods that is actually ran by the people and not corrupt officials!!! Farmers should receive more money from crops grown, and should be 100% tax exempt on what it takes to run it. People should be fined for wasting energy, like big buisnesses leaving lights on around the clock that hurt the environment!!! Auto manufacturers should also be fined for stricter fuel economy standards, and for rediculous work practices that eventually put many out of work buy setting a standard of what big buisness makes as a proffit, and what it pays the workers. Not allowing them to ever come back to this country if they decide to pull out!!! Extreme measures also needs to be taken against companies like Wal Mart for selling America out, and shipping more of our jobs over seas to make their own prices cheaper!!! Our government should not let utility companies be a monopoly, and have factories that produce alternative forms of energy be totally 100% tax exempt and also have NASA involved with helping develop new ideas with them, along with many colleges increasing the eduacation of such matters. These are only a few of my ideas but, do I think anyone will actually listen? Probably not!!! Will everyone agree? Definately not!!! But, I do enjoy being a part of the think tank here seeing what everyone else thinks as well!!!

  5. Vote or run for election yourself.

  6. We should demand a "None of the Above" option on every ballot.

  7. The problem is most people like their own congressman.  They always blame the other congressman.  The result is that incumbents are usually returned to office.  Until we are willing to realize that the guy in our district is as much a part of the problem as the guy in the next district, the situation will continue.

  8. YESSSSS . . . I was wondering why in the heck the Democrat congressional leaders think we voted them into office in the first place . . . I'm so disgusted with my party I could spit fire.

  9. Sorry, but people would rather blame the president for all of the country's problem.

  10. You have a few options in order of priority:

    Become a congressman yourself and promote changes.

    Move to Venezuela, Belarus or China

    Lead the revolution

    Stop complaining!!  Take action.

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