
Are Americans getting their fair share from Afghan drugs??

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Afghanistan is getting record yield of opium since 2003 , to produce heroin , and they produce good quality hashish also.




  1. Actually, the marijuana in America is very rarely imported, and usually grown by small-scale dealers here. Same goes for hashish.

    And almost all of the heroin is America is from Columbia. The rest is from southeast Asia. Afgan heroin is a rare sight here.

    So, no... I guess we're not lol.

  2. Kass - nothing is ever that simple.

    I should imagine a more accurate answer is yes. Seeing as American weapons manufacturers and bankers are the ones profiting from the war (which is why all the politicians support it - seeing as they are owned by the same).

    Of course the other side needs the opium crop to finance their side of the war plus I bet none of their weapons have 'made in Afghanistan' written on them.

    Give it a few more years Kass and you might feel like taking drugs. God bless America.

  3. I'm American and I don't do drugs.

    You're obsessed with Americans (I've seen your other questions). Get a life.  

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