
Are Americans going to be able to live within their means with gas, food and other items rising in price?

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Or will more people have to put gas and food on credit cards?




  1. We will adapt.  live below your means,  finance nothing except a home or education.

  2. No;unfortunately this country is built on credit and the belief of excess to the max. Spending is encouraged and saving is discouraged.

  3. We can live within our means!

    Americans need to put the brakes on conspicuous consumption. We all need to take a good look at our revenue and expenses, and adjust our budgets accordingly.

    Switching from a gas-guzzling SUV to a hybrid, buying locally grown produce, brown-bagging instead of  fast food lunches, all are a good start in  prudent management of expenses.

    In the Depression, there was a phrase: "Use it up, wear it out, make do."  This is a phrase we can all put to use, these days.

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